Show non AE n elpa washington HAD RIGHT IDEA s disposition deposition of the farm buildings at mount vernon little short of ideal arrangement Arran Bement A survey suney of the attempts of many modern funnels farmers to rente create a huni humanly anIz ing atmosphere around the alii farm house i shows that this effe effect C t Is accomplished by b psychological carriers barriers screens an aind In closures the work appliances of the form farm are neca to in such buch close proximity to the house that exclusion Is done by suggestion rather than by bi actual shut shutting out of 0 every eer selli scintilla tilla of farm work v ork the low wall ft all the hedge the clump of trees running vines nines are mental screens we cui call c ui peer over or or around lint but ve e to do not c v T farm buildings screened roofs and outlines of farm buildings tire arc visible but lost jo to sense in ill the competing om humanism this side of tit alie barriers the scattered situation of tile various farm buildings and yards ards about the ordinary farm house often at every angle produces the alie serious difficulties of the detaching process george washington the farmer disposed als ills his barns outbuilding buildings out yards and gardens gai dens at the wings of ills his mount vernon ernon house the hie rear was left open and free for stretching lawn 1 itan sky above aboc toll tall tree foliage at sides aldis sky at end of alta meadow land dropping out of sight ulie front avns ns info dohn v 11 in ar efm a s al 1 DI as george d bribed the laiva the potomac river a real moving ure ran the hie oaks on oil the river bank |