Show umbrellas are arc great bluffers bluff ers its 0 case of put up tit iw up tip with them SWAMPROOT SWAMP S ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS I 1 there n Is only one medicine medi ciBe that really I 1 bands out preeminent pre eminent as a medicine for c curable ura his ailments of the kidneys kid neya liver and bladder dr dilmers Kil mera mers swamp root stands standa the highest for the reason that it has pro proven en hinbest avde to be e just the remedy needed in in thousands upon n thousands of cases S swamp amp root makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon moon realized in most moat cases it in n a gentle healing vegetable compound start treatment at once sold bold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes medium and large however if you wish firt first to test abis great peep preparation send ten cents to dr kilmer co binghamton N Y for a sample bottle when writing be sure and mention this piper paper adv TOO LATE death only a matter of short time dont wait until pains and aches become incurable dis diseases easis avoid painful consequences by taking GOLD GOLDMEDAL MEDAL W ff ta ali worlds standard remedy for kidney O ivr bladder and nd uric acid troubles ta the national remedy of holland since 1696 fd three ahr sizes an all druggists iba to w the bun asim cou cold mad vs every box aw ad accept few 1110 ln illi A conceited man will not talk about you iou behind your sour back ile he will talk at out himself ca M 2 ft t s p i ri n you must say baag warning unless you see the name bayer on tablet tablets 4 you are not getting genuine aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years and proved safe by millions accept only an unbroken package of bayer tablets of aspirin which contains proper directions for colds headache pain toothache neuralgia rheumatism neuritis lumbago baady tin taxes boxes of 12 22 tablets coet coat but a lew few cents cente larger packages package aspirin to I 1 the th trade trad muk mark of bayer manufacture of t ot of it Is doubtful whether original substitutes utes for good morning are worth while you rou 71 L ike INSTANT P LOS T U M because of its attractive flavor and ana real economy theres no waste because it is prepared instantly in thie the cup by the addition of hot water and you can make it ii strong or mild to suit indi 1 vidual taste irn stant pos tum economical healthful 0 satisfying made flade by Po sturn cereal colac Col nc battle Creek Hidi f III V |