Show lesson in honors to founders of nation it Is always fitting that bil should lie made 11 ceol oc cislon for impressing oil nil jill just what ahls h s rind th those 0 se of his 1118 associates who I 1 alir it government of the united find founder foun lei a nation brally really mean WIMP I 1 i there iris never been ally luck lack of en liis our oel tile who wils first in ili war ali first st tn ili pence und iril firo lit in icv of lila countrymen it k well that the lilt of ou clu tr t r 4 the lie anine nim rame of nf wi Wash lilton ili lf abt olit licy onil nil III ael fire it li Is not only the uninformed tillen who 10 falls if to out nur debt to the mft so despite 1 alte tile intel anil efforts of the lip public to doal donl with washington us its tile ark pant lit wit lonal luro hero hii extraordinary tra linture of the lie of a nail by a people mill for it a people which lili 1114 efforts sot set up be too tit serl bed fine e we nil all tend to get rusty 1 ol 01 I if tits Is borle facts and altogether too to anny forget that blatant idealistic reform ers the world over loday are ning g as 01 freshly discovered some one of the I 1 till lelet PI artices hild dewi blown iby by the forefathers lit in tle hii lliam r again in 1770 1776 and finally fenall in the constitution ution of 0 that the forefathers with afi lilington agton and jefferson jelter on and lee in ili the HIP lead lit in the construe tive the of tho the It evolution proved to he be practiced id nivia ns its well us as ideal its bel believing leving in ili certain cert tin grout great principles that lie tit lit the nie of hunan human I 1 freedom all nal lit labet jy y dinder that lint protects pach froza tho alio other obliterating class distinct distinction lons Is not the alast tiling thing to their credit As pulpit find platform daiva tile lessons from what tile past a 0 the way vay of gnp inon and pili illes us e for foi sill nil time it will vim be the part of wisdom if 1 simple undisputed facts as to alint this ills great experiment did set out to do and lias has accod plis lied be bi ought brought honic home to till all for after nil all it Is tile overwhelming ner helming actualities les of 0 afree i tree goi gov eminent emment main tallied by uj a free people that gives the luster to the naine of washington its as the lie father and founder and justi justifies ile fill all that the most extravagant eulogy may ma pronounce ns fis to ills his claims to art an affectionate immortality |