Show do 00 yo you U know wh why Y it Vs s toasted to seal in the delicious B burley hey tobacco flavor LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE im evv alel arx EH I 1 A J lit r drw foo adelm adal dd d bok k gifts important to mothers examine carefully every bottle ot of C ASTORI that ate famous n ou anold old remedy for or infants infant and nd children chi u a and d see that it bears the jfe a signature of in use tor for over SO 80 years children cry for riet chers Ca castori storis A good w word ord can always be said for beans until the baby pokes one up hu hla nose perseverance often accomplishes more than power here comes the brider bride well twell I 1 happy and radiant she starts out on lifes adventure she should havo have health to begin with good looks in woman do not depend upon age but upon health healt li you lyou never see a good looking woman who is weak rundown run down irritable out of sorts fidgety and nervous headaches backaches dragging down pains irregularities and troubles of that sort are all destroyers of beauty amendo do not admire sickness it is within the reaca of every woman to be well healthy and strong if chewill favorite prescription ROSEBURG OREGON 1 I buffered something om ething terrible from an organic trouble could scarcely arcely Bc stand on my feet my head bead and back ached so BO hard find and I 1 was weak and nervous 1 I had a severe pain in my side and my limbs and feet ached I 1 was also troubled with constipation I 1 took doctor pierces pierce a favorite prescription golden medical discovery and and the pleasant pellets Pelle tat and these medicines relieved me of all my ailments and I 1 was well and strong MRS W D MOORE 1240 1246 N X jackson street send loc to dr pierces envall invalids ds hotel in buffalo Buffi flo N Y for a trial package of any of his medicines asel AN 0 Vas vaseline efine 0 R red eg U US S P pat at 01 oft ff carbolated PETROLEUM JELLY A come Went safe use je lirou invaluable for I 1 lac dressing cuts and sores sms A A time ta tried d reme remedy dIv REF MM CO state fiat street Guti Cutt cura soap soa P Is ideal for the complexion soap csc ointa ointment leat 25 abid aj soc talcum csc for irritated throats take s tried and tested remedy una a that acts ati promptly promptly and eff and ans ria BO op ates you get that remedy by aking for PIS I 1 4 AM 0 as W is W N D V salt lake city no 6 1921 A if g inauguration as the first chief executive george washington was via rated first president ot or the united states april 30 2789 in new york ork city which at that time was the federal ei leral c capital a pital during the e ceremonies the chan chancellor bellor admi metered I 1 the h oath with t 1 great dell deliberation beril alon and ein emphasis asis after which wash washington inato n bowed down seized the bible kissed it and exclaimed with closed eyes and much tion 1 I avear 0 fin o help me godl god I 1 th thereupon hereupon the chancellor declared it la Is done and turning to the crowd exclaimed lon long llo live george washington president of 0 the te united states the last named declaration on the part 0 of the chancellor was waa in ili imitation of 0 anon custom the error 0 of this practice was hoA however ever soon I 1 and abandoned bu but at ti the le t time I 1 in e th bowd thought of nothing but the solemnity of 0 the scene and many who deann stra t avely waved i their I 1 belr I 1 lots hats were too 0 overcome by en emotion to join in the buzzas USE DIAMOND DYES dye old skirts dresses waists coats stockings draperies everything E each a c 1 i p package n c k 0 g e ot e r diamond dyes contains con t a n c easy e a s y d directions i ree t ions for dyeing any article of wool ool silk bilk cotton linen ilden or mixed goods bow ben in rel el poor ioor dye die streaks tt spots fades and ruins mato mate trial by giving it a dyed ded look huy buy diamond dyes only druggist has color card adv catarrhal deafness cannot be cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of ear catarrhal deafness requires constitutional treatment HALL 6 CATA MEDICINE la is a constitutional remedy catarrhal deafness Is caused by an in named condition of the mucous lining of the eustachian Lusta chlan tube when this tube t la s inflamed nala ed you have a rumbling sound outino rid 0 or r imperfect alet rl et hearing and hen it Is entirely I 1 c closed deafness Is tile the result unless uie e inflammation can be reduced your hearing hearl ni may be cestr destroyed ed irever forever HALLS f a acta to th rouell the blood on the mucous sur sur faces of the cyst system m I 1 thus reducing the inflammation flammant flam mation I 1 on a and rid restoring normal condl condi bons circulars free all druggists Druff elsts 1 r 11 1 J cheney co toledo ohio A lady of distinction Is recognized by the delicate fascinating influence of the perfume she uses A bath ith Cuti cura soap and hot hoi w a ter to thoroughly cleanse the pore followed by a dusting with alth Cuti cura talcum powder usually means it cliar clear sweet healthy skin ady adv yes tei dear some queer birds roost in nally family trees when it sick ninn Is polite lie he d de nerves a halo back lame and achy do you get up tip mornings tired and achy evening find you all worn out likely your our kidneys are to blame hurry and wry worry lack of rest and eating too much meat throw a strain on the kidneys your lour back gives out you are tired and likely suffer buffer lica daches and dizzy spells take lake things bisier easier and help tile kidneys with doans kidney pills doans have brought new strength to thousands ask your neigh neighbor borl an idaho case C P rodgers main bay adart st ai wardner idaho says eais ily by spells pelle my i k kidneys dlan t vork u r right gilt 1 I 1 had to ret got up I 1 often at flight to daei pas tile the secre ons w ich to conta contained if ned a sediment ent I 1 I 1 w wis is hardly able to tc g get e t around because bause of oil the pains in my mv back I 1 u used s ed doans bidne pills P ills and they t y rid mo me of 0 the ki kidney d n hy trouble ou entirely get das it t arly any stori store a box D K PILLS I 1 D N FOSTER MILBURN CO BUFFALO N NY Y A afi sick siak with bessas 80 brings relief 1 I have been awful sick with alth rat gas writes mrs W 11 II person and Is all I 1 cn can get to give me relief A acidity lacki d alty n and u d g gis is 0 on n t ll 11 lie e st stoin 0 in R ch flu quickly y tal e in n up til on and 1 eit carried r rf ed 0 out u t b bv y eatoile Eaton le then appetite find anil strength come back and ami many other bodily miseries disappear when lien tl the ie stomach Is right light dont let sourn sourness C 3 s belching bloating indigestion and other stomach ills go on take tablets after you iou cat see low io much better you ou feel me big io bo costs only a trifle with ft ath your druggists guarantee RIS HAIR BALSAM Kei estores tores coor col or and beauty to gray cray ond an J fa faded dt d ham hah n I 1 ie N corm wt I 1 tosses M tc 1 blip 1 all 11 pi pla comfort to clr NM feet k a 1 I ki n 1 aliu by inal ur at clau alix C inimical buky J I 1 MAKES its THE BEAUTIFUL RA 1 l bac krar ri 1 i D c B co 2 2871 gwm 1 an agenw U cocja H 0 W WO M E all 11 A U I 1 operations oil some are extremely necessary others may not be every woman should give lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound a trial first 1 I was in bedkwith a female trouble and inflammation and had four doc doctors tors bu trione of them did U roe rne any good they all said I 1 would have to have an operation A druggists wife told me to take lydy pink hams vegetable compound and I 1 took 22 bottles never missing a dose and att at the heend end of that time tima I 1 was perfectly well I 1 have never had occasion to take it again as I 1 rin have been so BO well wel I 1 have a beert six room flat at and do alamy work r k J my two sisters are t taking k tho ha compound upon rny recommendation and you ima may y publish my letter atia t aiu 1 th the e gospel truth and I 1 will teto any one who wants a onal letter mrs E vers H HAYDOCK st lawrence ave chicago JIL al 11 A vermont woman adds her to the lie long line ot f those forti fortinate mate women walo bave been resto restored rei to health healt lit by lydia el vegetable compound after it had been decided nn an operation aaion was 03 nece burlington vt 1 I 1 I suffered with female trouble and had bad a number of doctors who said that eat I 1 would never ai r any better until I 1 had bad an operation I 1 was so BO bad I 1 could hardly walk across the floor and could not do a thing M my sister ister in in law induced me to try lydia E Pink rink hams liams vegetable compound and n yd it certainly has helped me wonderfully I 1 keep house and do my work and have a small child I 1 have recommended vegetable compound to a number of my friends and you may publish my my testimonial mrs 11 H R SI SHARON LIRoN apple tree point farm burlington vt VC in hospitals are many women who are there for surgical operations operation sand and there Is nothing a woman dreads more than tho the thought of an operation and the long weary months of recovery and restoration to strength if it is successful it is very true that female troubles may through neglect reach a stage where an operation is the only resource but most of the tha commoner ailments 0 of f women are not the tha surgical ones are not caused by serious displacements tumors or growths althou although gli the symptoms may appear the same when disturbing ailments first appear tako take lydia E Pink hamb vegetable compound to relieve the present distress and prevent more serious troubles in fact many letters have bave been ree received elved arri women who have bave been restored to health by lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound after operations have been advised b by attending physicians lydia 1 K Pink hams private pi ikuto textbook text book upon ailments peculiar acu to women vi mill III be boint sent to you on frel arc upon liport request valto to tho the lydia E medicine co liin massachusetts tula this bool contains v a lualle table information tw bno ri CIE H A D al C 0 E take a good dose of carters little liver ruis pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after CARTERS A few doses restore your organs to their proper functions and the headache He dache and the I 1 IVER N R causes of it pass away in the same manner pa S they regulate the bosteels and prevent asefi genuine yf lear ap v fa salu dinall dose D sm dinall brics |