Show the of Christ christmas mar 1 we are going to fave a re very ry poor christina nt our liou house 0 suld juno jano to florence oloti nce as they vore njg calking I 1 k homo home from chool cli ool 1 you linow fathers born boutot out 0 o work ort on oil account of alio and moil lors rg lona ion I 1 flicks sill hlll I 1 malc it apt to impossible pos sible 1 lo 10 0 buy gifts gift for the cl III ali anil a vivy riot not even have a clorist nini inns nin i ardnt ami nt tile the ali h ought bioff of a a n tree Ler le rolo voice 1 I li ich lind emulous airola alto a half sob i florence looked cay very thoughtful then said in comforting tones juat ut your fai faillers liers at worl work again fier lie yes i i aidi your jour tooth root lieis ors honi health t ii Is better yes cs ye Q expect liei lier downstairs for 0 day 1 well binn I 1 chink jarc jane chilt von ou harve great miluse cnute aorl rejoicing tit nt trec tice or 01 no Chri christinas tree tiec I 1 1 I I 1 d not thou thought glit of that florence bui but y iou are right light sometimes I 1 think we lorethe lose the real of dejane dd Jane by that Christi christmas comes irom from hat we via get or give ge instead of realizing i that thai it Is ri right lit in fit our Il barts nv dy this till time the he friends hafl collie to lo the parti parting fig of ilia iho way sand voth a I 1 nod and goodbye vent avent to their tonics t to a vision snow the possibilities bili ties of christinas |