Show PROHIBITS sa SALE E OF IN SENATE APPROVES MEASURE I 1 AFTER LONG DEBATE BY VOTE OF 14 TO 3 expected that house will ratify action and that measure will beco become m a law proposed to license drugless healers the utah senale benale ap on thursday dai febuary february r 3 passed the antl olgarette bill by it a vote of 0 14 to 3 avith ith one senator aria antoinette 11 kinney of sall halt lake absent The lopp opposing ang senators is were senators Sena tois It Hanl ardson sion 11 aj jenkins george H dern dein nikl and N standish all of salt luke lake county the bill had been debated during pints parts of three sess sessions lons on oil reading leading the ote to on third leading was under suspension of the rules rule sund and without debate the bill Is now lit in tile house and it is if predicted that the house will viii ratify the action of the senate thus putting aban n ban on tile cigarette in utah senator hemiy C tebbs of pan duitch an announces that lie or some 0 ther other senator will in ili all probability bring in a bill during dining the present session calling for a constitutional convention in utah to give ghe the state a new basic law lair A bill designed to in regulate leg the practice and license all drugless healers I 1 proposed in a i house bill introduced february 3 the I 1 lie measure it Is under stood provides for foi a board that would mould take in ili eveia aei tonn form of holding healing including in g chiropractic find and other methods w herein drugs tire aie not used senator jenkyns was hopelessly outnumbered nIlla numbered berea on his resolution calling for appointment 11 by the governor of an examining aich board of three to present recommendations to the legislature to assist in dealing with tho the problem of higher education in the alie state tills this measure leure caused a brief debate in the senate on february 2 before it was vas downed with only the supporting ate of its author who refused the suggestion that no record accord be taken three bills were eie passed by the aliouse on february 2 seven seen new bills and one memorial memo ilal were introduced the latter passing under suspension of the rules and two house bills were practically killed tile the alien land 1111 was out of cornn atteo with an unfavorable report but before the report could le be introduced a request was made for its recommitment for tn ten days and the hoube granted gi anted the judiciary committee this additional time to further consider tile the pic asure the speaker signed five measures one a senate bill and another a kemte memorial the other three being house bills several measures which had had passed ased both houses were sent t to the ile P enrolling and engrossing committee house concurrent concu nent memorial no 2 by had a speedy journey through the legislature passing both houses and belli being returned turned le to the house for signature by the speaker but arriving there too late the house having adjourned the memorial asks congress to pass the senate bill introduced trod by U S clator king appropriating P tor for the survey of public lauds lands in utah for the list first ahne since the beginning of the present legislature the house of rope on febra a ry I 1 failed to clout clent its third reading lending encell dar dai adjourning fit at 5 with four bills awaiting passage the house failed to reach these ni measures ensures on oil third reading because of the lengthy arguments ants tor for find it house bi bill I 1 no 1 by S W morrison tr jr which would authorize the governor goer nor to appoint state railroad lall road police T the lie measure wail was finally passed with twenty five nyes ayes fourteen fou iteen nays seven seen members being absent and one being excused from voting the 1 house on oil february I 1 con urel cuned in senate sen lie to house b bill III I 1 no 4 by ivers chich would give ghe tile the counte or tiny county but which was introduced for the benefit of suit salt lake county in ili particular authority to borrow money nt at it a rate nite higher than limn 7 per cent when the senate on February I 1 got through working 01 king the cogs of the legislative 1 I tive fanchine fun machine chine which have hae to do with th alie 1 advancement of 0 bills it was ns found ma alint t it had placed seventeen hills bills on of the second reading calendar had advanced two from froin second to third reading lending an one froin I 1 I 1 second reading to pasi passage sage a and id I 1 had I 1 ad ninde a special order of one of the alie measures on oil tahe second reining ng calendar it Is that hint the itte r it ennos ot tile irate til in tin tile nea avi bems will liu I 1 p K tit alio utah senate tile lie I 1 vik before it lit in about imy borly five tv on oil three nav drw hills weir d on in alir nimia i a i tin the dav dar |