Show UTAH NEWS REVIEW miners and business men contributed in one day to the fund for the relief of children in ili europe carl rickman aged 14 Is dead at salt luke lake from froin injuries sustained when lie was run ran over by a motor truck the first annual auto show of the cache valley automobile and accessory association clation was held V february ebrus try 1 2 and 3 nt at logon logan A snowplow that can be operated operate tl as an attachment to tin nn automobile Is re ie ported to be doing good work on tile the public roads of beaver bea er county A highway who attempted to told up tip and rob P 1 J anderson Ander sion nt at ogden got one of the moa most severe beatings of ills his life nt at the hands hand of the intended victim the western union telegraph 1 company has bell been given permission t to 0 increase its rates on messages nies sages wholly within the state of utah not to exceed 20 per cent I 1 1 I A tot iiii progress lias has been mido during diring the present winter tit in the campaign which lias has been wag waged god against tile the smoke nuisance nt at salt lake the mayor has reported A registered dinall containing 1500 in currency sent from price to scofield rt a distance of 23 25 miles reported as is missing ieng in transit for a week lins has anally filially reached its destin destination atlon roy nelson of deliver dein PI serving a six months sentence in ili alie tit stilt salt lake county jail jai for the theft of a carload of coal from the deaver acm er wo RIO grande railway allway lias bas been reprieved by governor blabey stabbed by two men who attempted to rob him alexander Il olnie a of stilt salt luke lake died ville being taken to the emergency hospital after lie he had crawled to a house and made mada known his hig condition the state highway road building program now a matter of investigation by a committee named by governor mabey finds itself aitho with contracts and agreements for construction projects e c is totaling the logon logan factory of the amalgamated sugar company closed its campaign february 1 after a successful season run the slicing of beets ts Is completed but many employees m of the factory lire are still work ing following ing the posting of notice of reduction in the wages of tile the men employed upon the pacific fruit express companas comp anys ice house and storage plants now under course of con n at ogden seventy five men ft walked naked off the job F rank frank depretto depietto once under sentence of after being convict ed jointly wib alli ir harry brower ot of the murder ot of E augene ugene allen alien in the course of robbing tile tho Il ighland coy boy store stoie tit in bingham canyon la ili the spring of 1914 1014 has escaped front the state prison governor Goei noi blabey and members of the state legislature v w ere e tile the guests of utah editors at at salt lake february 1 it was ft as the biennial chicken feed of the utah press association so and no details were viere omitted in keeping it up to the associations standard stan daid the state land board has issued figures which show the amount ot of state land in utah the figures submitted are state land not yet offered for snip sale acres state land now ow for sale cres I 1 and state land acres makin making a total of acres rio five to twenty year in the state prison was the sentence given ghen harry byars 21 years of age who pleaded guilty guilt to having robbed a drug store in ogden broward linsley li Is years ears of age WILO io was as with byars in tho the robbery pleaded guilty all and wits sentenced to the state it industrial 1 du school tits the suit stilt lake american legion post has given gl en its endorsement to the hos hog appropriation now before the united states congress registered an unmistakable opposition to alig th antl anti olgarette bill pending before the s tate state legislature lan and urged upon that body proy provision islon for a state memorial building A dispatch from washington announces that till an amendment to the indian appropriation bill wits was authorized for foi schools in III uintah and duchesne Dui Du hehne chesno districts in utah with the stipulation that schools receiving bene tits fits froin chis tills shall accord the same privileges pi h dieges lieges to indian as to white children I 1 george beefsteak harrison tor for many years eais one of the most picturesque L que anti and interesting figures in III that part of the state died nt at Spring springville ville february I 1 2 lie ile lind been engaged tit in the hotel business tit nt le ince 1858 the hie sob julji raquet Beef beefsteak k wi mas I 1 I 1 earned by 1 mr ill harrison through the mannti in ili were vine berged nore land and has been placed under cut ul thallon in ili eastern atlin hird county bount lii its tile last 1 two ti caia ali in in till its lust history lilston lil und the progress pio giess Is gal flIng tuni every day philip van jr lia haa been H tinned returned from vernal to the title state industrial frosts which lie escaped lust hist fall by b picking a lock lit ile li Is it ditl linof breed bleed indian born near whiterocks lint but as sent seat up tip front randolph for foi liloise the last of the lie sugar wells liae have been piled in ili great glint in ili varl ous pints parts nt if weber i ber iber county iii ird to ta tin the factory laist neela vee ulie the 1 brits act 4 liao have imen bit n unloaded in ili tile sheds ani 1 l tire nio expected iMp tid it to heep the hie factory in fit mull lie ille jf jb feb ruan |