Show his hie fondness for children while washington had no children of his ou on he was 08 blessed with many nep nephews heis and nieces who looking up to him as the hend head of the family received ce ived ninny favors from its ills hand annd ills sister betty mrs fielding lewis lind had sacral boys bois when nineteen standing godfather to the eldest two of her boys bos howell and lawrence laurence made their home with their famous uncle at mount vernon at dlf dif ferent times another nep nephew liew bushrod ro d a son of brother john augustine was MIS an all especial favorite ills career as a lawyor AV vas as helped by bv washington who lio followed fol loved it with the greatest great pride and interest and frequently consulted him on oil legal mutters matters the mount vernon mansion its library and private papers and acro wera left to this nephew of 0 his hil brother samuels calill iren toa helped educate the lie enree boy bos and jave gmo thor thear sister harriet a homo ionic under his own roof for nine beius II 11 A ogden in st alch nicholas |