Show DIGGING INTO HISTORY WITH PICK AND SHOVEL recent deciphering of a clay tablet moy inny ull add a thousand years to ohp spun span of recorded fil story for it c litwins contil 0 ns a code of laws said to antedate d me that of by a mil ls Is naother reminder that archaeologists archeologists nrc are finding stranger strai iger true stories than fiction can reveal the pick and the spade of the explorer have haia resulted in astounding revelations taya says a communication to alie it ae Nat national lonal geographic society from albert T clay who ho lias has deciphered some of tile the most famous of the documents above all else one of the greatest is that the earliest peo PIPS of being barbarous or were vero civilized mid and po poises gesch 1 a culture of a high order doctor clay several bi eral ancient libraries and tin inease archives have hae been found r ruins of a library building at nip pur years old years ago the library of 03 13 0 was vas discovered at nineveh jn in more recent years temple tempie ale and school libraries have been found at nipper Sl piar ar larsa baby ion and erech the libraries of the first three sites belong chiefly to the third millennium B C those thoe of tile the lost two belong to later periods but especially large archives of these documents numbering several hundred thousand and pe belonging longing to the third and fourth millenniums 13 C have been found nt at tello nipper drahem Dr eliem doklia and recently recent ls nt at ur the hie code of hammurabi written about 2000 13 C upon a large and somewhat irregular stele Is perlin perhaps Ps tile most important monument of an ot of a high order in codifying ills his laws hammurabi arranged them in a definite and logical order based upon accepted judicial decisions in no better way Is it possible to become acquainted with the everyday eve life of the ancient babylonian than by a care fut ful study of the code |