Show TABRIZ CAPITAL CAPITAL CITY tabriz capital of persia from which diplomatic representatives recently led fled at the approach of bol lillevik forces Is one of the most important cities in persia its population Is about teheran the capital Is the only place in the dominions dominion of tile the shah which exceeds it in size I 1 it Is beautifully situated in a wide valley on the river ajl aji which flows into tho the salt lake of 35 miles t to tile west although apparently su surrounded r 0 py y mountains tabriz has ail elevation of more than feet n and ad the climate to in winter Is extremely severe hundreds of springs and fountains ahter water thousands of beautiful gardens in this ancient city which for centuries has enjoyed a deserved reputation as a health resort indeed tradition says that the place was founded by zobeideh deh the wife of ilarue al rashid hero of the arabian nights according to this legend zobeideh deh came here to recuperate from a fever in the year sear and a cure was auk ly effected thanks to the salubrious climate hence the name tab fever riz pourer pomer away or fever destroying As a matter of cold history however tabriz was in existence four bufore tile the birth of the beautiful zobeideh deh up to tile time of tile the completion of a railway through the caucasus and the improvement of transportation facilities on the caspian sou sea tabriz was tie the emporium of persian trade with the west now however most of Us its trade has been diverted to agtara on tho the caspian 11 10 miles to the east and to desht delit miles to tho the southeast of tile tho three hundred mosques of which the city boasts only one deserves rip special ecial mention it Is the fa a nine blue mosque so called because it Is covered with blue tiles it dates fr from 0 in aulos rulos tie the fifteenth century and Is now in ruins the ark or citadel Is a brick building of massive walls with a tower feet high more than halt of the trade of 0 tabriz was with russia its chief Ini imports ports before the world war disturbed conditions were cotton and woolen tissues sugar and tea |