Show heat seeps out of walls engineers find it two or three times as much fuel as it should to heat the ordinary dwelling buelling du elling that Is because houses frequently are riot not built to conserve heat or for any purpose but to sell the way to heat a room economically Is to insulate it most host persons know that air space in walls conserves con s heat but this Is true only if tile the walls vails hold dead air most walls and arent tight enough hot air pops goes through them like water through a not net blanking up lower loner walls of houses w with ith dry leaves and earth still Is practiced practice M in cold states particularly in the country but most city and town houses can be made tighter vath alth little effort the insulation of walls vails an and 1 I ceilings can be improved and much coal saied its worth considering in places where fuel Is scarce or catly cot co alv ly an examination of many houses will vill show alint the occupants literally are trying to heat all outdoors |