Show R RY Y J FLOCKS sa tJ fr CURES SCALY LEGS one applina application tion usually Is sufficient to remove trouble other efficient remedies seal digs s in ili fowls Is a disease the ruilt ol of of sin fill ciara slung bill liu iio row under the niall dinall scala sc s lie alv of 0 the lie lop log and ns as those thoo tho o multiply duct bit buno arow under thes c scales become lio conni on ell and loosed floril tile leg IC B arid 1 the alio birds i nip are seen picking tit nt the legs iauch of at tile time which proves prota blat aho parasites arnio irritation 1 if f tile alie lionso li oiso L li 14 albov ard to go un fils tl it liall peng alint lie hody boco beco noi mol infected and the bird V k IN 1 i ah 1 I acice A case of 0 scaly legs inay mh finally lie die of cIl nudon WP we ones once lot lo t a liue flue lion tills this way not lnolan ln oln tin the cause or 01 ic rei ineth nedy ilitch 1 14 4 vo deiy y and has alic tit 0 o of adiv aliis being biln available aval lable tit nt ani home w there theio ino are different dif Terent remedies which hemoc eal tile trouble ait it olle nono Is 14 better to coni illmon moi korow diio nv ilys n a i writer in farming to ip pilly atalic life fowl fol in the hands ini il hod ili lie leg s together and linni tiso alii M full length in ili it i can call anith etli I ioro I 1 oro gone one tile them there two to or 01 three aluce one OIK application will usually cure cini lut but a decono lion ion is loicl itald Leio eie half and half Is IR excellent leni remedy eil ns Is I 1 alam co ninion machill ill oil oi 0 just co common ninion axle alo grcic ve ell I 1 rubbed in ili two ti 0 or oi three tittles times tit nt in ten ils of anpo days soon the lie illa scales ilL 3 will mill 1101 11 01 od and the bogl become sm mandi n ott find clean tile looses roosts should III alio ill oft well and avith roa ina dilno chlO it 11 will help to lid ill tie all e 0 of scaly cal logg and red led Il ittes ns ng well all lails line fine reni efly Is also good in ili ise ense of it lice 1 ro roost lna poles veil pud nil a little irule lard under wings 11 mil ll mound around vents of ink eted litls birds find OWN nav allay in be kept free fica from elico posts pests |