Show efficiency REPORT FOR FOP Y L al I 1 V A efficiency report for jan 1921 la sal membership 10 class work 10 special activity program prof Tiam 10 be bea ilive work 10 M I 1 le A slogan 10 journal 10 fund 10 participation in M I 1 A programs 10 monthly staka and ward vard officers meeting 10 banding anding BI membership Members bip 10 class work 10 special activity program lo 10 hee bee hive work 10 ill 1 I A slogan 10 journal 10 fund 5 part ci pation it in 11 1 I A programs 10 mon athly stake and ward waid officers meeting 10 ward officers meeting or teachers a training ff class 10 moab 10 class work 10 special activity gran 00 cee bee hive work 10 16 al 1 I A slogan 10 fund 10 in mont monthly ly stake and ward off officers acers ward officers acers meeting 10 monticello ilem Mer ship 10 class work 10 S spec pec irl activity Pr 10 1 lee cc live hive work 10 AT 1 I A slogan n 10 fund 10 PartH naton in ili monthly stake and ward waid officers offic cis ince ward officers acers meeting 0 6 |