Show HOLZ 18 NAME wr GIVEN I 1 R rid and jock Rassi nussen a boin b thos bevens left for colorado state line friday last with a cegon load of lu lumber niber household utensils si II 11 a an and d mincing tools the rassi Tius sons have settled sett flu title to the coal milio rece reventh nth in that se section tion shiell was w as in question for a while w bile they having acquired the rights right t pro prospect the ground it is then to dig tons of tile he black diamonds diaman als nt at once and put th ahr property in shape for regular pro pi stone building is bein beim erected as a starter of the now new which has been the dream of AM mr for more than a yes yen past and which he be has already ivinel ucolo bucolo as suggesting suggest ng its to the state line of utah and col cali rado i the people of eila eastern tern end of th county are looking forward with interest to the building up of that place and have high hopes hope s of a thriving com coin as soon as it becomes the center canter of the coal mine ad and the new flour mill which will vill be built in the immediate neighborhood T 1 |