Show WHO 1 l H 0 IN SM JUAN ninety on one yea I 1 a ago in the city of c ofin ali michigan yaa ijan wil was born boin W V W jhonson brons a part ot ok whose poster ty constitutes a permanent fraction rf sanjuana San Sayf Juans Jan population mr air bron bron son joined tho ahe mormon biorn ion church chuich at a time when then its people were in distress haying been ex expelled belled from their th e f i r homes in illinois and forced to face the allbut all ail but unknown stretch oi of the cleat gle a t american desert though but sixteen years of apro mr bronson cast his lot with till exiled and shoulder should cr to shoulder with them battling the stein things of af the wilderness reached aalt anko valley with captain hunters company in in 1847 during the he next two years ho he and beerck sed the plains between the valley and the mississippi rive mormon emigrants to imko anak the trip this thrilling kind of cf ox i at this susceptible able a age ae e fit tod fed himfar him for t the h a part he was to take in the building up in g of the then abe cihi yih I 1 I 1 valleys af utah in 49 when the sold gold fever struck the valley young baroli bronson an was seized with a n dezil o to po go to california and though president young ad him to stay and till the soil he made the trip flip and stayed in the golden stati four years a fortune of t twenty enty thousand dollars but fate plays traino arnn tr iino c aranki in the affairs affair L hf mc nand it t took the young adventures adventurers money from him an and sent him back to utah alth t Q bahlev bev enough means to buy bur a charier aak oak cook y stove wit with thas is as ithe basis tor stocky company c aa life liag partnership ath ayoung ay cung vc ornan lind and bagan hoeping hp fausett Af in valleff in n 1 tap twin ml alit ar two and a half year and Z 1 biscoll after his kis refill ir from his mission he come to sun san juan hett lins tic in 1888 at a wild little f frontier town called tho c nnnie form fonn 1 creal ereal life in ili old enclard to ti this raw T a cowboy cow w boy zone yono tit at the base t of f the blue aloun Moun tian offered a paril para klizing contrast in human if fairs but bill mr bronon had already scon wide I 1 ran res of human forten fort nile nn ond and lie be set I 1 aled quietly down in the turmoil to make his permanent soon hi at rival ac e was cilli calli pd d to act aj counselor to F I 1 I 1 jones and as an such to ti take chis his sli share re of the ledi culp and torment lica heaped PL 1 I upon those who stood stand f for or la law w and order it was for the loudmouthed loud nud mouthed pun niceto nic nto lehin by corf toc that there were no yellow st strophes in W W ionson it onson in thole days the wild men of the hills bills were wont want to ride through the streets f ahrn ariit anz their revolvers and fowling like the gunery snarl snail of ian fan cannibals once when they badrock bad roc egied and in hibel a hl of wh whiskey ishey they camo ca mo to town and hepding heading for mons petersons store ordera him to become scarce and air calpe n through lb tho d I 1 low bw doorway a y proceeded to te boldi h carnival with everything in in sight they took the slabs of talt salt bacon to the dooryard and threw them thein in nil all directions slitting sacks of sugar with their knives they tried to see sec how now few times they had to whirl the sack before all the sugar was vas spread on the ground aund ou nd wrapping one a end of a bolt of gingham or cal calico c 0 to the ta saddle addle horn hoin they raced up orle one street aia an A down clown amothai ano thai with tho tha long ribbon libbon floating on the air behin them and in their travels if they mot met a citizen they orford him to dance weapons uncomfortably nar h his is feet w whether colier he or not one great mounted bully named johnson met W IV bronson in the street and ordhid him in to run for his life but the old gentleman told his hh coarser assailant to go to hell and stood looking his uncompromising contempt while the cowboys cow boys bullets threw dust in his hip flamin fl arning ft eyes in this samo raid one bullet bailey b ilav in missed him as lie he made his usual rounds lounds but lie he lived lone enough to see sea the cowboy cow boy lenient as an inferior species ties and aid to rejoice in ohp onward match maich of things in gencil genca 1 after they lind hd gone jt it is said of him ile he was a hard worker an eloquent an 1 y faithful to his Is altru trust si with wilh the rc lincon linci sense of ho honesty nesty ho he stood every for the right n ehl lie ire died in en alo mon tic ti colWin elfEn 1909 |