Show bilskey bill BALL mm HOMES MIE ARE HOTLY the first installment cf the prom cronl isad games acan cs ot of basket ball vis w pulled oft off in in tin the blinding blanding amusement hall thursday ihm aday evening between tile men cicello legion and the manding anding legion and aiso aiso between the high of the thO respective e two cau cara and a buggy carided the monticello visitors oyer oyei the mud to the white mesa town I 1 ahe he legion team being vaugn adams adama claud decker elwyn blake reginald Regina lh hickman ickman II lynn llda hyde and ralph bailey in tha high school team robert christensen farl earl wood cecil jones bill walton Wc ilton herbert blake and boyd wilson tho rh were wen accompanied by misses fay inia nona jones ind and john redd radd N F k cc conall advil hardy R kadd ilis miss effie adams professor webb and aid hnry harry H nry lester the latter two played tile the clarinet clai inet ind and tile violin molin for foi tile the lilno chich aih foll followed wd the g ganes mes the rhe contest J is le r ported as A detera determined mined and well veil put up effort for the v bictory the I 1 riter was waa keen the chocas deafening but the score stood ll 11 to 16 in favor faor of the monticello legion and 13 to 5 in in favor of tile blanding blandina Blan dinc school saturday af hernoon loon the blaid ing legion along with the ligh hibi from that arrived m in jiri jars i and on horse horsa back like an invading host eager to ion win their lost glory or gin anin mo nore a the blanding legion team were leland redd silas kartchner iolj butt george J johnson dave black and phill hurst ve the high school team clisbee nielson nate hurst huist johni john halquist edward stevens ens lewi lewis s peterson and alina lna tones jones they were accompanied by ill maram arvin lyman linan ralph brown blown lawrence black arch molt ensen luia IIan Ilan cork and soll ii dark clark the interest ml orest MS if n anything more acet co at a ahe i e end a ild of 61 tile the games agami stood litlo I 1 t fa 12 in in favor of the blanding legion and 13 to 17 in in favor of the monti cello school |