Show CRITICS of WAR CHICAGO BANKER SAVAGELY SCORES ATTACKS UPON MEN WHO WON THE WAR answers charges that supplies sold by government might have hav e brought more than price paid by france washington Washing tol ries 0 dawes of chicago fort er chief of supply procurement curein cu vitt fur for the lie american Ameil can army in fit france on oil wednesday attacked what lie he were eie political attempts to discredit ach yemenis of the people who ilio won ti the I 1 U war ar appearing before the house war in cOul coulliette lItte mr ienir dawes struck hard blows lit at petty fault finders iho lio lilt lind tried lie he said mid to detract from the glory of the great achievement by picking flaws and parading pnra dlag trivial faults miles avay mr kattes dawes va as 5 called by members of the committee to rebut testimony relating to waste aste and extravagance and particularly reference terence re to liquidation of american accounts in france and sale of surplus stocks to Fr flarice Frn rice arice answering charges that food and clotill clothing ng supplies might have brought more than the paid by france francc mr ir dawes turned on one of ills his questioners and field it Is just that sort of fool argument that forced great britain to hold on to its stocks and attempt to drive a hard bard bargain the stuff Is there rotting there Is no ye use to try find and throw mud when you sou were not there to know knott conditions condition england lost billions of dollars by list listening entil to that talk they llie me are raising the devil dell in england no now because ellal england an 1 I did not sell I 1 mr dives dawes raid lie thought prance was mas charged too much here you ou come and charge lie said that we ne should not have sold aukar augir the war wai department ordered the sale the sugar went with the junk everything was vas secondhand second hand we got forit for it we liau liquidated dated il evory account and we lid did it because le a lot ot of big men quit their jobs find and went there toli to help elp we cle cleaned fined tile the slate an and congress con giess today tod still has pending claims clainie that date back to the revolution it was vas a big job find and we ve are proud of it in finding fault find and hunting responsibility you iou dont have hae far to go pershing was the commander in chief and his shoulders are big enough thank god to bear it sir bland questioned mr dawes daes about excessive prices pi ices paid for equip ment and mate ilal sure we vie paid lie he said we stop to dicker why man alive we vie had to win it was as a mans job we would have hae paid horse prices for the man like johnson tl atlie ie lie he said turning to the chairman was standing at the front to be shot at we hall had to get him food and amount ammunition oh its all right now to say we e bought too much vinegar negar and too many cold clit chisels sels but we e saved sated civillia alon |