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Show Kenneth Burg Married. 1 The announcement of the engagement engage-ment of Kenneth Borg of this city and Miss Leona Dunn of Provo is made to the Pyramid by Mr. Borg, father of the young man. Kenneth wrote his father Monday informing him that if he wanted to see his boy, ' before he became a married man that he must come to Provo on Friday. Fri-day. Kenneth admits that he is not used to writing to his father in this manner but hopes that they will all ; meet at the wedding Friday. Thej young couple are among the most popular in social circles in Prov'c and Kenneth is held in the hiehest esteem among his friends and associate? associ-ate? in Mount Pleasant. The Pyramid Pyra-mid extends congratulations and wishes the young couple success and happiness in their wedded life. The Provo Post gives the following: An announcement of considerable interest to their many friends is that made by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dunn of the engagement of their daughter, Leona, to Kenneth Borg, the marriage marri-age to take place at the home of the bride in the very near future. The young couple, who are among the most popular in social circles of the city, had decided to steal a march on their friends and recently went to Utah's Gretna Green, Farmington, where they secured a marriage license lic-ense intending to be married quietly this week. Both are connected with the B. Y. university, Miss Dunn being be-ing a student, while Mr. Borg is a member of the faculty. |