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Show THINK THIS OVER. ' This Offer Should Gain the Confidence of the Most Skeptical. We iuy fur ull tlie mi-dlflne unci during t ho trial, If our remedy fails to coiiiplPtt'ly relieve you of constipation. constipa-tion. We tnlre all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way whatever. what-ever. If you aeeept our offer. That's a rulrnty broad statement, but we mean every word of it. Could anything be more fair for you? j A most scientific, coinmoii-seuse , treatment is Itexall Orderlies, which are eaten UUe candy. Their active ! Iirluclple is a recent scientilic discovery discov-ery that is odorless, colorless, and ; tasteless; very pronounced, gentle, and : pleasant In action, and particularly agreeuble In every way. This Ingredient Ingredi-ent does not cause diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence, RrlpluK. or other Inconvenience. Inconven-ience. Itexall Orderlies are particularly particular-ly guod for children, aged and delicate persons. If you suffer from chronic or habitual habit-ual constipation, or the associate or dependent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Orderlies nt our risk. Remember, you can get them ouly at our store. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 30 tablets, tab-lets, 23 cents; 80 tablets, oO cents. Sold ouly at our store The Rexall Store. A. D. Sutton Drug; Co. R. A. Burch DENTIST Mt. Pleasant, Utah FINE LINE. ALL PRICES Con. Furniture Co Opitical Illusion Are the Blocks turned Up or Down? Down You Say? Look Sharp at the bloct? squares to the right. Now they are up! No, Downl Now get a pair of our Special Ground Classes which Make Weak Eyes Strong. Dr. E. G. Milk Optometrist Mount Pleacanl, Utah. j Children are much moi-e likely to contract the conagious diseases when they have colds, Whooping cough, diphtheria, "scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold, That is why all medical authorities au-thorities say beware of colds, For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better tlun Chamberlains cough Remedy It can always be depended de-pended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by All Dealers Repels Attack Of Death "Five years ago two doctors told me I had only two years to live.' Tnis startling statement was mad' by Stillman Green Malachite, Col. They told me I would die with consumption. con-sumption. It was up to me then to try the best lung medicine and I began be-gan to use Dr.King's New discovery It was well I did, for to day I am working and believe I owe my life to this great throat and lung cure that has cheated the grave of another victim ." Its folly to suffer with cougns' colds or other throat and lung troubles now. Take the cure that's safest. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial,Jbottle free at All Druggists. 0 " . -;- ----- H M' W ii wfi 1 Our Tape 1 miJ V save? your I ipitl Line is 1 lr time.Atyourf fflf S Ready for ,fl? !. leisure itpro. !! YOU ! I NV, , vides a social! V L " HI WSi il ! 'o WthV E Order your Spring I ' hV il' ' i- J Wm M suit through our I i iW-!!i;V;;,' dlVerS10n- 1 I 1 , U Custom Tailoring' yklJi!li!li.,Vh.;l.l . i I i M N I Department and se- 0 " -"-C x a i Jtji o cure perfect fit, per- I 5? 3 I Mf O ' I feet style -and the v fiM o j W fullest satisfaction. 1 HJSlr The Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co. fj n & 1 Call and see -the 1 o - x rr new Spring and ooaooowooooooooooo-oitoiiooiiojtcjtoooosto Qt?jT)r.t3t bummer W oolens " ZT they're the most beautifuland exclu WnpTBffHff 1 ... 1 iteM sive in vn, the complete line of t Vj irvXTVUJ, JiLILdJii ) .Sir..'. mM. fe MASTER. TAILORS M .' f'i hi -V S -' :f it: ' s X :- vd-r. 5 ;C -silo.- -JpiZ 0 , L2'.fi- "j A Mpfj 9 Pf jggp j V"ft Our prices are lowest our clothes best I 1 fY A.MUZ ffi tU. Zi m lohn P Peterson & Son !' fmp, Mt.Pleasant, Ut. ff4 M John 1 ' 1 eter Son FOR SALE. A good horse rake and plow. C. A. Clark. 2t. Team, harness and wagon in good condition for sale. Apply C. A. Clark. 2t '5 acres of good meadow, good supply of water; also a good dairy cow. Apply to E. A. Madsen. WANTED Good Agent Wanted i" every town to represent an old established life insurranca company that makes a specialty of temperance risks, low rates and liberal contract to capable man. Address S. Wilson, Secretary, 253 Broadway, New York. i i am To Mothers And Others. rou can use Bueklen's Arnica Salv o cure children of cezi ma, rnsh tetter .chafing, scaly and ci ust humors, as well as their accident injuries, cuts, burns, bruises, etc -vith perfect safety' Nothing ek heals so quickly. For boils, ulcer old, running or fever sores or piles has no equal. 25 cts at All Druggisi Erlckson & Chriatenam I LAWYERS fMpon Not. T and 7. N PaMt Co AO, Mcond floor of tb KrtektsB ' ' Ml. FliuiM. Otwk. S f " Um. P. WINTERS f PWTtlCIAlV AFTD ICRI1XUM. tarr rLixiiNT, ..... rv, mmm. 1 J. W. CHERRY 4TTOSIT-AT-LiW, In Lamont Bulldlrif. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Tel. No. tt. !J. C. BARTON PROPRIETOR The Mt. Pleasant ( Barber Shop All Work Guaranteed Once come, always stay : Hair Tonic Guaranteed to Cur -Dandruff. Cream for Chapped ' hands and face. REMEMBER THE PLACE ? oorop.oiorojoToToroo.ooto j EDISON SAID: j "Electricty and Machinery will make Household o Drugery a thiag of the past." x 2 Do you know that while you are reading this, perhaps your wife, o 2 sister or mother is laborously, slowly and maybe painfully operat- o ing her sewing or washing machine at home? Has it ever occured J to you how easily and cheaply vou could free her from all this drug o ery- making sewing and washing a pleasure instead. You've got X o to help her make household drugery a thing of the past. You can X , o take the first step by putting in a sewing or washing machine motor, S 0 The price is moperate and a motor doubles the output and saves Doctor Bills, and soon pays for itself. Ask for prices. Easy terms. 1 Mt. Pleasant Mill & Power Co. f ie o I N. S N"i .&S F C. JENSEN O. T. WALL r, .j Vlca-Preaidont Cahlr i Mount Pleasant i Commercial and Savings Bank DIRECTORS Ferdinand Ericksen. Raamua Anderson, Andrew Madsen Olof Rosenlof. Swen O. Nielson. A. C. Wall. Both checks and savings accounts are respectfully lollclted. Alls customers will receive courteous treatment, and iheir businei our prompt attention. Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. People sending money through the malls should secure drafts, that being the cheapest and safes' way of transmitting money. Banking hours 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Four Per Cent Interest Per Annan Allowed en Saving Deposit. Payable Seml-Annually."- a- a"-Municipal mi SehMl Bond Bought and Uml- . i. ii i ii i Ericksen Meat and Grocery Co. f - In Stock Alwty :'.rm Choicest Meats Freshest Groceries All fru'ts and early vegetables m season. .. Equipment thoroughly to date. .. Patronage of the public solicited. f SCENIC LINE OF THE WHRLt) THREE FAST TRAINS EAST THROUGH SLEEPERS To CHICAGO KANSAS CiT'i'l ST. LOUIS NEW Train SERVICE DENVER & RIO GRANDE r - Eii. ::,i a IN CONNECTION WITH SANTA FE ROUTE BURLINGTON ROUTE ROCK ISLAND ROUTE MISSOURI PACIFIC UNION PACIFIC Two Nights to Chicago Two Nights to St. Louis Three Nights to New "York CHOICE OF Rouraa For further Infnrniitlon see env D. A: P., G. ATent or addreet I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D. Salt Lake City F, A. WALDLEIGH, G. P. A. penrer, Colorado. |