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Show Notice to Water Users. Stale Knglnopr's Otlice. .Salt F.ii'ke ;Uy. Utnli. December Hi. 1911. Notice is her!hy given tliat Araa?n Ras-mussen, Ras-mussen, et al, whose post otlice address is Fair-view, Utah, have made applical inn in accordance ac-cordance with r lie requirements of the Complied Com-plied Laws of Utah. l''(7. as amended by the Session Laws of Utah. l'JOi) and l'Ul, to appropriate appro-priate four (4) cubic fiet, ot water persei'-ond trom lllind Fnrk of Cottrnwuod Creek San pete Counlv, Utah. Said Water will be diverted divert-ed at a point, which lies at the Northeast coiner coi-ner of Section 3, Township 14 South Range 5 east. Salt Lake base and meridian from where it will be conveyed by means of a canal tor a Stance of 25 400 feet and there used during i lie period from April 1 to June HO. inclusive of each veai-. 10 irrigaie :iSD acres o land em-bi'uced em-bi'uced in Section 18. Township 14 south. Kange 5 east. Section 13. Township 14 south Range 4 east. .Salt Lake base and meridian. This appli-cationis appli-cationis desiuuated in the State lingiueer's uihee as No 41uii. All pro lusts against the granting of s;iid ap plication, stating the rea-ons therefor, must nc made bv allidavii in duplicate and tiled in lUU oilu:e 'wii iiiu thirty (30) davs after the couuiUtiou of the publication of this notice. Caleb Tannek, Slate Engineer. Hate of lirst pubPcation March b. Hl'2, date of completion of publication April 15, |