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Show SANPETE COUNTY AFTER CONGRESSMAN. J For some weeks pat, ever since the official announcement was made 'that Utah is entitled to a second United States Congressman, politicians politi-cians of this portion of the state have been discussing avaiable timber, the presumption being taken for grant ed that the new man would come ' from the south-central district, in j asmuch as the present Congressman is from the north and the two Senators Sen-ators are from the central section. Sanpete county Republicans itj would seem are determined to land a Sanpete mai in the office. They are not back waid in making their claims known in some sections of the county and are out in the open advocating advo-cating a man or men. At Ephraim especially is this the case, where a caucus has been held relative to die matter. A't;ouple of men have been selected there who are already being gr jom ed for the racs. Some oposition is developing even at home for these men, however, the long-standing animosities between Ephraim and Manti being apparently responsible for a portion of this. In Manti and in Mount Pleasant whispers are heard of those who might be put into the race but nothing noth-ing is in the open here yet. In other deparments of the Republican Re-publican politicial institution in this county and in the Democratic ranks as well are heard mutterings of the coming battle. It is noc far distant and it promises to be one of consequence. conse-quence. In Sanpete it is to be especially es-pecially interesting because of the uncertainty of r. suits Ive-ui-v of ,the clo.-vno.-s ..f li.o ftlTi.!:- -f two 'years a;;. . i j Coiuvr.tM.ns ;:v I ho iii'hl in the j very near tY.Ui.e a;;:l t'1 enliiej campaign will b Tin shaping itself, j i |