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Show I Moroni i II Directors of the local telrphone ordered all fixtures, pertaining to the phone They will be here soon, after which the work will start. Born to the wife of William Hart March 22. a daughter. Soren Sorensen was appointed water master last week for the Moroni Ditch Co. On Monday night last the Armada gave its entire proceeds to William T. Rostron who is in need, after which a dance was gotten up for his benefit also. Joeph Marks of Meadowville had his house destroyed by fire last Monday; Mon-day; an organ and dresser were all the pieces of furniture saved, It was reported that a 5-gallon can of coal oil that was too close to the stove exploded and started the fire. The Ft. Green Basket ball team appeared in a game with our local bunch last Friday night which end ed in a score of 5 to 20 in favor of the latter, The featnre of the game -was when C. Blackham one of the seccnd team's forwards got in the game in the second half and threw 5 field baskets. The line up was as follows: Moroni Ft.Green. R. Bailey. R. F. Coombs N. Christensen L. T. Anderson M. Morley C. Micklesen E. Neilson R G. Olyrod E. Bailey L.' G. Collard C, Blackham L. F. Referee Pete Christensen Ft. Green Hyrum Christensen received the appointment of water master for the Mt. Pleasant ana Moroni Ditch Co. A two-vear-old brown colt is at the farm of R. K. Ames, north of Moroni. Mo-roni. Owner will please call. |