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Show NEW HOTEL FOR MT. PLEASANT. A $25,000,00 hotel building for Mount Pleasant is one of the strong probabilities of the present year. Plans for the erection of such an ins-titution ins-titution have progressed so far as to have reached the stage where an architect's services are required and a gentleman of that profession is now j engaged in preparing preliminary sketches of the proposed building, The proposition has ample financial finan-cial backing, as it has John H. Seely of this city, one of the strongest men of the entire county, behind it. Mr. Seely has long entertained the idea that a firstclass hotel building on the old Peel corner at the intersection of Main and First South streets in Mount Pleasant, would, under capable capa-ble management, prove not only a paying investment for its owner, but would prove of much general value to the town in every sense. Acting on that belief he is now making preliminary pre-liminary investigations with the idea in view of carrying out the plan. Architect R. C. Watkins of Salt Lake City spent a couple of days her last week in response to a re quest from Mr. Seely and looked over the location and obtained the necessary neces-sary information for formulating building plana. He will prepare same as soon as possible and return i and submit them for inspection. If 1 they are satisfactory and all arrangements arrange-ments for the erection of the building build-ing can be made it will be gotten under un-der way in the very near future. The general plan which Mr. Seely has in mind is for a hotel of twenty-five twenty-five rooms, with office, lobby, kitchen, kitch-en, dining-room, sample rooms, etc., modern and convenient in evpry sense, and in the same building, a moving picture theatre, room for a drug store, and possibly other institutions. insti-tutions. The building is planned to cost from $20,000.00 to $25,000.00 It would without question prove a valuable val-uable acquisition to Mount Pleasant's business institutions, and the general gener-al belief is that it would prove a splendid financial investment. |