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Show 4' ' " f ' 33 Busy Golden Rule Stores f" : 4, m We have added FOUR NEW STORES to our chain of 29 ''l stores making THIRTY-THREE stores in all. This means for 'v 2)" us a greater buying power at lower cost and that means a lower ' cost to you. We don't cheapen merchandise to make a bargain ji P ' showing. We are more concerned in having a better article at a NT given figure than we are in chopping a few cents off the price. No fake statements will be found in our ads. Our reputation V y for honest dealing is known all over the west. We have saved the people of this vicinity hundreds of dollars in the past year tfo ? and we will continue to do so in the years to come. j We are receiving new Spring Goods by almost every J Freight and Express Train and our Store is full of nice new v jC ,l Stock which we have on Display for your Inspection. "Originators Operators 2 t Low 33 J t Prices" Stores - J JL A, 1 0 X Cbe Golden Rule Mount Pleasant's busiest store. t, f$ f4p44?4p4m p Q g "What the Market Affords" to ' jy Grocery Offerings For Saturday, March 29th gj jfej Alaska Red salmon, regular 25c can - - 20c. g H Maple Leaf brand salmon, very finest 2 cans - 45c. 2 Best grade can pumpkin 2 cans - 35c eg) Navy beans - 4 lbs - 25c g U Lemons per dozen - - - 30c f Oranges per dozen - ... ouc P! Large Fancv bloaters 3 for , 10c A No. 1 Salt Mackerel 3 for 2oc m We will sell tomorrow 14 lbs. sugar for $1.00 to any M jg person making a 50c purchase other than goods listed g above. We want you to visit our store," so take advan- jS f tage of this opportunity to make this saving. Every- g jg body invited. j QUALITY STORE j . . READY FOR BUSINESS c4 Pending the completion of our brick store -g c4 next door south of Studebaker Bros., on 4 State Street, we are now temporarily do. 4 4 ing business in our warehouse in the rear, c4 where we are showing a large assort. 4 ment of machinery, wagons, drills, etc, The different lines we have contracted for, and represent, are as follows: jr KINGMAN Plows, Harrows, Discs, Alfalfa renovators, Farm trucks, etc. I MILBURN Wagons 22 I "tP ANCHOR and LION Buggies, Surrics, etc. I SL KENTUCKY Grain drills. p I CP WALTER A. WOOD Mowers and Rakes. I These are all STANDARD lines, and have been made and sold with success for I C, many years, and are absolutely Guaranteed. We are carrying repairs for all tp' our machines, and you can therefore rest assured you can get what you want in this J) I line, without the usual aggravating delays. We are not i a business for this year only I CP but are a permanent institution. I 4ft. Examine our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. They I (P will interest you. I 4ft Fill out and mail to us your spring requirements, on un lerrwalh blank, and let us figure on same. 4gp j g? SQUARE DEAL BUGGY COMPANY eft "The Farmers Friend" j MOt'NT PI.ASANT, UTAH. 0 I 4ft g SQUARE DEAL BUGGY CO. r 191 CSSf MT. PLEASANT, UTAH. ' 3j I Cg, Dear Sir: I ( I am interested in I q' Please furnish me with catalog, prices etc. j ' g: Name I 4 A''.rrc: ; 'P |