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Show I HORTICULTURAL I 1 'amOTESmsl Trees that are well tended beautify a home. Fertilize the orchard for next season's sea-son's crop. Plum trees should be pruned about the same as apple trees. There is no phase of life that is not influenced by good roads. Gradually bring the hyacinth and narcissus into the heat and light. Provide for the' future by planning a small strawberry patch this spring. Go over the fruit and vegetables in the cellar, and throw out those decaying. decay-ing. Unleached wood ashes are rich in potash, varying from six to forty per cent. The earlier sweet peas are sown the larger the number of flowers produced. pro-duced. Nearly all varieties of plums bear better crops of fruit when a number of varieties are growing near each other. Apple scab largely spreads about the time of the first, second, and third sprayings. When grass is permitted to ripen its seed, it loses the largest part of its nutritive value. Applying raw rock phosphate to the soil by mixing it with manure is considered con-sidered one of the best methods of application. ap-plication. The germs of peat-blight occasionally occasion-ally attack apricot trees, and the only remedy is to cut and burn the infected infect-ed parts. Spraying has come to be one of the unescapable tasks of the agriculturist, whatever hin particular line of productive pro-ductive entc'. uise. |