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Show - Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums 4 Spring is here and a good House Cleaning is in order. jk Of course you will want a new Rug or a piece of Linoleum. We are preparing ourselves to meet this demand by putting in a "b stock of both. They are now on the way and we expect them to 2. reach us most any day. C Listen! These goods are being shipped in a car load lot to Salt Lake City. That means a great saving in freight as 4 Linoleum is very heavy. We, therefore, propose to . give our Customers the benifit of this Reduction in the freight charges 'w and also the special comission that we get by buying in on a car - - ' Z We will convince you of this fact when the Goods arrive. Our Membership in the Western Merchant's 'v' Association is doing this for us. We are going to p give you the benefit also. 4' NUF SED ... Just wait a few days. -- the SANPETE 4- BIG SHOE SALE ! g V Reduction from 25 to 40 per cent on a large stock of shoes o ' S- Notwithstanding the recent advance on shoes, we i are going to offer the public a great reduction on a y strictly up to date line of shoes. S 50 pairs of Ladies shoes value $3.50 to 4.75 at 2.68 $ 40 " " " " 2.75 " 3.35 " 2.19 30 " Mens High Top Shoes " fi.75 ' 8.75 " 5.90 I 25 " " " " " " - 5.G0 " G.50 " 3.90 ji 50 " Miss Shoes worth 2.25 selling at 1.79 ji V g Full line of samples of Mesalinc silks. Orders taken for any ? pattern at 7H cents per yard, 9J y Full line of samples of Foulards, Poplinsetc. at greatly reduc- Ji (ij ed prices, by ordering from samples. M See our beautiful line of Ladies SPRING SUITS. ji wasaioTFer. co, 1 k I PSiAOTW fa II &$gs&is3i& F&3FQ iVjb Economizes BajCer1, Flour, M W Eggs; makes tlfce food mors"' appetizing nnS. wliolesomc l! The only Baking Powder made M )g from Royal Grape Cresm o! Tartar f& PYRAMID PRINTS EVERYTHING. " witH strengtH and ease 8 they always please" TWO HORSE OVERALLS MADE BY LEVI STRAUSS CEL CO. DON'T BE BALD. Nearly Any One May Secure a Spfendid Growth of Hair. We have a remedy that has aided to grow hair and prevented baldness I in 93 out of 100 cases where used according ac-cording to directions for a reasonable length of time. That may seem like a strong statement it is, and we mean it to be. and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to Mi actual test. We are so certain Kexall "93" Hair Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair and grow new hair, that we personally give our positive posi-tive guarantee to refund every penny paid us for it in every instance where it does not give entire satisfaction to the user. Kexall "93" Ilair Tonic is as pleasant pleas-ant to use as clear spring water. It is delightfully p( "fumed, and does not grease or gum t le hair. Two sizes. 50e. and $1.0Ct YV th our guarantee-back of it, you certainly take no risk. Sold ouly at our store The Rexall Store. A. D. Sutton Drug Co. The Rexall Store. 4& We have recently had visit us one of the Butterick Pbhshing Co. with whom we made arrangements to carry a more Jj complete stock of patterns so that in the future you can get most any pattern with Jj out any delay or waiting for two or three B days- . " gf Agreeable with our contract it will be c4 necessary from now on to sell all Delin-1 4 eators and Fashion books. With each Fashion book you get a coupon that en. titles you to a pattern free. cP The Butterick is unquestionably the leading patterns on the market, being the oldest it has maintained its lead until it has P become the standard of style, convenience of handling and in . cf4 every way gives universal satisfaction. -fp (, Get them at 46" "N? aP |