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Show ; Spring City jj Miss Oiine'M. All ml of Spring City and John H. Coleman ot Eureka vere married in t! e Manti Tomjilo Wednesday March 27,1912. A sup-ier sup-ier was given the :same evening at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Allred of this city They will make Eureka their home. Neils H, Burreson and Axel Tu!!-givn Tu!!-givn are both layinj sick at their h mes. L N. Aldrich is building an addition ad-dition to his furniture store, James P. Hansen who is working for Hewlett Bros. Co at Salt Lake was out to attend the funeral of Grandma Johnson. The funeral of Grandma Rasia Johnssn was well att"ndel last Thursday afternoon in the Tabernacle, Taber-nacle, A vocal solo, a duett and singing by the choir were the mnsi-cial mnsi-cial numbers rendered at the srv-ii s The speakers were: Rasmus Juste-s?n, Juste-s?n, James Christensen John R. Baxter, John Blain and Bp, L, O. Larson. Miss Ada Larson who has been working in Salt Lake is home on a visit, Mr. and Mrs. James Clawson are in Salt Lake City. |