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Show CHICAGO MERCHANT ;!;; makes statement. itc After Spending Thousands of Dollars fit; and Consulting the Most Eminent tc Physicians, He Was Desperate. CHICAGO, ILLS.-Mr. J. G. ;r: Becker, of 134 Van Buren St., a s i well-known wholesale dry goods st dealer, states as follows: "I have had catarrh for more u than thirty years. Have tried everything on earth and spent thousands of dollars for other " medicines and with physicians, without getting any lasting re- I lief, and can say to you that I have found Peruna the only remedy rem-edy that has cured me permanently. per-manently. "Peruna has also cured my wife of catarrh. She always keeps fc it in the house for an attack of cold, which it invariablycures in a very short time." SALT LAKE'S BEST HOTEL VOU'IX ENJOY EVERY MINUTE AT THE KEN VON. Reasonable Rates, Excellent Accommodations. Accommo-dations. It's a source of wonder to guests at the Kenyon Hotel, S;ilt Lake, that the management can ofier such excellent accommodations and at "the same time maintain reasonable prices. There Is no secret to it, however, for like any large business. the Kenyon is run on a business basis, every employee be- , Ing trained In his or her special duties, du-ties, so that everything runs like f clock work. Aside from this, the the rooms are cheerful and well fur- . Tiished, great care being taken to make them seem homelike and comfortable. The management endeavors to treat every guest so well that when they go back home, they will tell their friends to stop at the Kenyon In the heart of the business district, convenient conven-ient to shopping and all theatres. Rooms may be had at $1 per day; with. VrUh $2 and upwards. The Cafe Maxim, the best in the West, is operated in connection. The service and food are the' best and the prices are reasonable, so that the Kenyon Ken-yon Hotel and the Cafe Maxim offer accommodations ac-commodations hard to equal. You'll feel at home at the Kenyon. 4 Perfect Team QrL Work of Per- This is What j L C- Smith & Bros- Typewriter Bull-Hearing, Long-Wearing is a rare and unsual combination of mechanical features featur-es of superior excellence, each ot which is designed, First To do its individual work better than it could be done in any other way. And, Second To work so smoothly and accurately, in conjunction with all the others, that the completed result is just as perfect as the work of any individual part. J That is what makes a good-working typewriter it is what justifies the overwhelming verdict of 150,000 '! users in approval of the L. C.Smith and Bros. Type writerit is why this typewriter does all kinds of work superlatively well without attachments and gives no disappointing results. Send for free descriptive matter today L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter Co. 1647 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Xinetecii Miles; A Seooml. without a jar, shock or disturbance, is the awful speed of our earth throuth space. We wonder at such ease of nature's movement, and so clo those who take Dr. King,s New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, just thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 25c at All Druggists. I rasa m r m it a mori fi in ' f- i Succeed Ahen everything else fails, 8 nervous prostration and female p weaknesses they are the supreme U j remedy, as thousands have testified, h i FOR LIVER AMD I STOiVtACi-3 TROUSLE jf 0 it 1 1; the best medicine ever sold ft over a druggist's counter. j JL likj by test 'ry J 'MfeSp than all the rest f-Lj ffifffi A quality, tone and flavor , fj-l IgjLj ' ''CrLzr secured hy tke proper X ..'.'".V V'-; ' I blending of test ' selected ''.Xv', . 7 i"!'11 Bohemian hops choicest y, i '''' "A t VJ UtaK barley finest rice Vsavr anc Pure mountain brook .. i. v g A pure health food bever age for old and young. Write for price list- Order direct from feiuri Srriniui;&3flalfiHnCa - - - osqkn. 7r,n ' Coughs ' and Colds You could not please us bet- ! ter than to ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis. bron-chitis. Thousands of families I always keep it in the house. The approval of their physician physi-cian and the experience of many years have given them great confidence in this standard cough medicine. Sold for seventy years. Any good doctor will tell you tint a medicine medi-cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot do its best work if the bowels are constipated. con-stipated. Ask your doctor if he know ; anything better than Ayer's Pills for correcting cor-recting this sluggishness of the liver. Mado by the J. C. AYEH CO.. Low.ll. Moms. -v ART "OUR KIDNEYS WELL? y ."'lacy Mt. Pleasant People Know the Importance of Healtny Kidneys. The kidneys filter the biood-. They work night and day, Well kidneys remove impurities, Sickkipneys allow impurities to multiply. No kidney ill should be ueglected There is grave danger in delay. If you haze baakache or urinary troubles. If you are nervous, dizzy or worn ont. Begin treating your kidneys at once, Use a proven kidney remedy redmedy. None endorced like Done.s Kidney Pills. Recommended by thousands, Proved bygreatfull testimony. Niels Hansen, South Ward, Manti Utah, says; "I have used Doan.s Kidney Pills and I am glad to say that they have been of great benefit I heartily endorse this remedv." For sale by all Dealers. Price 50 ceats. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, J. E. Ti'ir'-rn ,MniirTfr Watchmaker and Jeweler Also Engraving. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Off'ce Opposite l'ost Office 4 t Are you looking for t a fine watch to present $ t to your son or daugter for graduation? If so I have them, al- Z so a suitable chain, fob, I Locket or Ring. A Dia- mond Pin or Ring. A beautiful Necklace. And don't forget the Baby. I have solid gold rings for the Baby. t 4 I CD. Strang J jeweler 4 A Mt. Pleasant Utah ImniHScus Lodge Vo. 10. F, A iV A. M. Mt. HcHMHiil, Hah. 7 Regular ( (jinmiiniciiiions , held at M ngm it- hn 11 on sec- XVl,'-'' "'inland luurth Saturdnys in pS; . ; each in mil li Hi 7:3u p. in. Visit- ing bi'cihcru aiu cordlallv in v VI led 3 J. 1), Meyrkk, W. M. O. 1". Wall. Secretary. Liberty Camp, No. 4-W Woodmen of the World Mt. Pleasant. Utah, meets every Wednedf at '8 p. in., in the Woodmen Hill. All neighbor! In cod itHndinf cordially Inrlted to attend myelin cs wheneTer possible. Applicant! tori membership should apply to the camp. O. N. Clemenson. Council Commander. J. M. Boyden, Clerk. SHOE REPAIRING Tlie Public is notified that I have opened a slioe repairing business in the old Keolch place on Main , street and am ready to do all kinds . of work in that line. ; ' ALL WORK SATISFACTORY ' M.irinus Otten. What's Nicer? Than Good, Sanitary, Clean Laundried clothes? Nothing! Everything new and up-to-the-minute. Give us a call. We are headquarters for'family washings. Mt. Pleasant Troy Laundry Peterson Bros., Phone 88-3 J. C Stocks, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office, corner of State & Main St. Office phonfc No. 5 Residence phone No. 11 Mount Pleasant, jtah. H. M. Williams VETERINARIAN l'HONE NO. 85. Will be at-the following towns one day every week from 2 to 4 o'clock ' each week: Fairview, Monday; Spring City, Wednesday; Moroni, Saturday. Headquarters, Neils Larsen's Livery j Dr. J. R. Earle I Eye, Ear, aSToi-se anil Throat SPECIALIST Tuesdays and Friday 1 4 top. m. Appointment's by phone, No. 92 F Money to Loan On Unenciimberctl Improved Lands Inter-Mountain Life Insurance Company. J. 0. Carter, General Mgr. Atlas Block - Salt Lake City Win. Spry, Rodnev T. Badger, President. Treasurer. Inter- Mountain Life Keeps Insurance Premiums at Home - ii Miller's Barber Shop. First-class shaving and j hair cutting, Scissors ground, Razors honed, moles and warts removed. remov-ed. j i We guarantee to cure i i i j any case of dandruff. i 1 CONFERENCE j xp u t JJ-jr I Low Rates to j ! conference ) Salt Lake City t April 5-6-7 Tickets on Sale Apr. 2nd to 7th inc. t ' Relief I Return Limit April 15, 1912. ' Society lor Liicralure, infonnali'in tickets, etc. see j April any acnt or write 3.4 J. II. Manderfield A, G. F. A., Salt Lake City r ... rrrft1rt'1l! |