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Show UTAH STATE NEWS A large silver cup has been offered as a prize for the best fat steer exhibited ex-hibited at the Utah State fair this year. During a blinding snow storm In Salt Lake, Tuesday night, two street cars collided, a conductor being in Jured, the twenty passengers escaping Injury. Andrew Gibson, who appropriated a horse and fled with another man'! wife after being released from jail al Moab, has been recaptured and if again in Jail. Eugene Colegrove, mail contractor for all the routes in Millard county died on the 19th at Fillmore. He was iaken sick last December with Bright's disease. Keen rivalry is being worked Uf Between Provo, Springville and Spanish Span-ish Fork over the terminus of the Utah Coal road and its Junction with the Salt Lake Route. Harry Alsop, aged 19, was fatally Injured at Midvale when he was crushed by an ore car, death resulting result-ing after he had been removed to a hospital In Salt Lake. There" Is something of a building boom on in Brigham City just now. Several new residences are being erected and considerable remodeling of business property is going on. Word has reached Salt Lake that actual construction of the new branch of the Salt Lake Route from St. John to Ophir has been started and should be completed within ninety days. Beguiled inlo the sagebrush flats west of Salt Lake, Lydia Almstedt, 11-year-old daughter of William Aim-3tedt, Aim-3tedt, was attacked and terribly maltreated mal-treated by an unknown man who has not been captured. After countless delays, occasioned by almost every trouble which confronts con-fronts builders, the new $30,000 subway sub-way at the union passenger station at Ogden has been completed and was thrown open for traffic last week. It is stated that on April 1 the Del ta Land & Water company will turr water into its canal system in Millar; county, sufficient to water 35,000 acres of land, which will be largely Under cultivation within the next sixty Jays. '""Willi am Johnson was acquitted by a jury at Provo of maliciously killing i dog belonging to another man. Johnson and his brother were living in a tent and the dog destroyed some provisions, whereupon Johnson shot the animal. A man about 40 years of age, identified iden-tified as W. T. Foy, who last worked at Colton for the Rio Grande railroad is night telegraph operator, was found dead between the two baggage sars on an eastbound train near Soldier Sol-dier Summit. Unable to reconcile himself to the sudden passing of his wife, who died ;wo weeks previous, W. C. Vantress, proprietor of the historic old Salt Lake house, and for fifty years a resident res-ident of Salt Lake, died from grief Dn March 19. Robbed of his memory by a blow on the head received by falling from i street car, Eberhardt Kuntz, 70 years old, was found in the indigent ward o a hospital in Salt Lake by members of his family who had been searching for him. The First ward of Nephi held a reunion re-union on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, in which practically every member of the ward took part. A big banquet was given Wednesday afternoon. It is estimated that nearly near-ly 350 people sat down to this banquet. ban-quet. Interpreting the flashes of a red lantern and other mysterious actions as indications of a plot to hold up a train, residents of Riverdale notified the sheriff's office and caused the arrest ar-rest of a man giving his name as Johnson, who is being held for Investigation. Inves-tigation. Shocked to death by an electrical current with which he had come in contact at his own volition, the body of Edgar A. Tuttle, aged 49 years, Janitor of the Pleasant Green meeting meet-ing house, was found in the furnace room of the church by members of his family. At the solicitation of civic organizations, organi-zations, the city commissioners of Ogden Og-den are considering the issuance of proclamation setting apart a day in April as "Civic day," the day to be given over to a general cleaning up and beautifying of both public and private property. Although it has been more than a month since Arthur Neuendorff suicided sui-cided by hanging himself with a wire in a cell at the county jail at Ogden, his body is still held at the morgue as a result of instructions received from the man's mother, who resides in Berlin, Germany. T'tah will receive no more elk from the Jackson Hole country this year. With the advent of spring there will lie pclnty of feed in the Wyoming country for the elk and no effort will be made to move them until snow flies next year. Lester Snow Young, aged 24, suicided sui-cided in the bathroom in his home In Salt Lake, by shooting himself in the breast. Heart trouble which had caused insomnia and had contributed to violent pains in the head, is believed be-lieved to have left the young man in a fit of despondency |