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Show HSs. Rooms kconia thorn 'ffr . J.L.J wm- in tnis igi free pAtSc BOOK don't you want to see them? Peep into other people's new homes and get the latest ideas for your onvn decoratinp. Our book tells about the FREE Color Plans our expert designers will send you for any rooms you wish to decorate. You will be glad to know more about The Beautiful Wall Tint o exquisite in color and quality It la used la the most expensive modern borne though It cosn far less than wall paper or paint Kilsooune colors ipprar harsh and crude beside the soft-bucd Alabastine tints. Goet furthest on the walls and it easiest to use. Full directions direc-tions on every package simply mix with cold watet and put on. Does not chip. jSzcSr-JffS peel or rub off. 16 Beautiful Color, and WFxV With our Color Plans vou can easily hanje the yr'jT Jfv' most artistic home in your f 3S neighborhood. w"vTi Send for our FREE BOOK TjVi Full 5 lb. pkr. While 50c. 1HP' ruit.U55c -ssriis- W Alabastine Company .a-KSg Wj . SZ Gramlklllc Road. Gr4 Rwhh, Nick. Hew fork City, Desk 2, 105 (tattr St. I " " ,r ; ; Something Extra Good For Breakfast, Lunch or Supper Post Toasiies Served direct from package pack-age with cream. Surprises Pleases Satisfies "The Memory Lingers" Sold by i Poatum Cereal Company, Limited Battle Creek, MicW&n V J Instead of liquid antiseptics, tablets and peroxide, for toilet and medicinal uses, many people prefer Paxtine, which Is cheaper and better. At druggists, drug-gists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt re-ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. ' If a man is honest he doesn't have to use a megaphone to advertise the fact. i FUJI'S CIIKF.D IN O TO 14 DATS Ymir drutztfist will ri-nmu money Ir I'A.U OINT AIENT fitUs to -iiro any case of hching, Bllnu, Uleedintf or Protiuainii l'Ues In 0 to 14 days, lillc. Mrs. WtnBlo-w's Soothing Syrup for Children teethlnfr, softens the pnniH, reduces Inflammation, Inflamma-tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 26c a bottle. 'Tink Kyc" Is Epidemic In the Spring. Try Murine Eye Hemeuy for Iicltable Kclief It's difficult to discourage a girl who can't sing. CRITICAL TIME OFWOMflN'SUFE From 40 to 50 Years of Age. How It May Be Passed 'i in Safety. Odd, -Va. : " I am enjoying better 1 health than I have for 20 years, and I I i believe I can safely .'r, say now that I am a jriAj well woman. I was i f -J reared on a farm and ' rjl iV.;V. hadallkindsof heavy ,11 "V," A ' work to do which j , ' caused the troubles ' that came on me la- iv' ..'': vV.i ter. For five yeara j' HTmm duringthe Change of (1 WWY Life 1 was not able " ' 1 I to lift a pail of wa-I wa-I ' ter. I had hemor rhages which would last for weeks and I ; was not able to sit up in bed. I suffered a great deal with my back and was so nervous I could scarcely sleep at night, and I did not do any housework for three-years. three-years. 1 "Now I can do as much work as any woman of my age in the county, thanks to the benefit I have received from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I recommend your remedies to all suffering women." Mrs. MARTHA L. Holloway, Odd, Va, No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and unqualified unquali-fied endorsement. We know of no other medicine which has such a record of success as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 years it has been the standard remedy for woman's ills. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinklinm's Vegetable Vegeta-ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for advice. ad-vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. i Relieves j Backache a Instantly j Sloan's Liniment is a great B f remedy for backache. It S jj penetrates and relieves I P the pain instantly no rub- R I bing necessary just lay I it on lightly. Here's Proof. jj m '! had rny back hurt in the Boer War E j and in San Francisco two years aco I (5 was hit by a street car in the same place. m 1 I tried all kinds of dope without sue- E cess. Two weeks ago I saw your lini- B ment in a drug store and got a bottle to f try. The first application caused instant R 5 relief, and now except for a little stiff- ness, I am almost well." I i' FLETCHER NORMAN. S j Whittier, Calif. ' SLOANS ' ; LINIMENT B is the best remedy for H a rheumatism, neuralgia, H 3 sore throat and sprains. B i Miss E. Rim of Brooklyn, N.Y., fi U writes: "Sloan's Liniment is the best H a for rheumatism. I have used six bot- EJ 5j ties of it and it is grand." H Sj Sold by all Dealers. B j Price, 25c, 50c, and $ 1 .00. ffl ! vf s ' yj) Dos,t"'' All I TftHFS C IT It K D ATHOMK R " ft 1 I OlWnta without opontiinu. Pain IlilM tn Pttol Stomncb, Kinht tSitlo untl Hin-k-nrlii). or n ml rr tho Should it J linden, Btotnnoh Troublu. lncllni-M ion, Hii k Hrinltichi', Jill-ioiimu-s.s.OjIU;, Janndico, lllurs. Constipation, f'llrs, Cutarrb.O m ed Toniio. jlad limit h, Ku renins, Kn 11-Di'f 11-Di'f .B or Oppression over Slnmarh or Ltvi-r. Wind or fain on SKmai'li or liowels. Weak or 1 rn-izu Inr Heart, all tlx' rso buipMims a ro commonly ca used ,)y (.a 11-stonrs 11-stonrs or iiiill troubles. U'rii for our copyrlHt-d Mrdlral hnok on (in I Iston-'s and all diseases of 'ho ?'mMACll nd I.lVKIt. I lit: V (iAU.SlONK itt.HKliY tOSI'ANY rl. SIS. 1 1 South llrirbum Slret, tlllliliU. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. N0.I.N0.2.N0.3. THERAPIONSSrr;;; (Ml FAT M'CO:SSp ;i:Khfl KIDS 1. V. IU.ADDKII UIHFAHKH, I'M.KS. niKONH; tTl.U K F;W. SKIN Kftt'I'TH ink KITH Kit HKX H- imI lrtr. rnvi-tope Ut PKKK ln-irkM u, ll. .V. CI t- KO ay.U. CO.. HAVKItSTOCK Kli.. HAMl'NiTKAlJ, LONDON, EMJ. HOWARD E. BUflTCN AScf.VEEM''1sflTND Hix'i'linen urlrrn: (ild, Hilvor, I-ad, $1: (Jolrt, Silver, 7:r; llnld. M)c; Zinc or Copper. 1. Mailing fMivHopeK and full prleii list, ment 011 appHi-allon. ( -mi trnl and umpire work soliriied. 1 ,-al vllle, Col Uotereocc. Carbonate, National Bank. I W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 13-1912. Woman's Power Over Man htt 'Woman's most glorious endowment is the power k ' v. - to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a .' ; v ' " - worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, ,,t -'V J no one in thz wide world can know the heart agony fv V, ,- '' mjf he endures. The woman who suffers from weak- Mj fffT---S ess and derangement of her special womanly or- t : tf. . ' . 7 jjanism 60on loses the power to sway the heart of f.. 'A u '. VTUT s man. Her general health suffers and she loses L uf t fcer good looks, her attractiveness, her amiahility and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. K.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., witk the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ailments. ail-ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regulates, regu-lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will dvise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK "WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. Dr. Pierce's Pltaimnt Pellets regulate mnd strengthen Stomach. Liver tad Bowelm. J |