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Show BRACELET IS COMING BACK With the Elbow-Length Sleeve This Ornament Is Almost Sure to Have Access of Favor. The bracelet Is to regain the favor which it once held. Modern dress, with its popular elbow-length sleeve for day wear, adapts Itself admirably ad-mirably to the display of the bracelet. brace-let. This is the main reason why they should become popular again. Bracelets of fine workmanship set with jewels are bound to find favor. The designs for these are borrowed from those of old Egypt and Persia. The snake armlets which are associated asso-ciated with pleopatra will be worn, especially with evening dress. Heavy armlets two inches in width are patterned after those worn by the Sabine soldiers when Tarpceia sold the Roman city, tempted by their glittering glit-tering glory. Massive is most descriptive of these bracelets. They are worn on .the upper up-per portion of the arm above the elbow. |