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Show COLDS AND CHILLS BRING KIDNEY" ILLS Colds, chills and grip strain the kid-j neya and start backache, urinary disorders dis-orders and uric acid troubles. Doan's Kidney Pills are very useful In the raw spring months They stop backache and urinary disorders, disor-ders, keep the kidneys kid-neys well and prevent pre-vent colds from set- tling on the kidneys. Mrs. E. A. Bennett, Johnson Ave., Los Gatos, Cal., says: "If I took cold or over-i over-i worked, I had such severe pains through my back, I could I hardly move. My limbs ached until I scarcely knew what I was about, and headaches and dizziness distressed dis-tressed me. I began using Doan's Kidney Pills and was entirely relieved. re-lieved. It is over two years since I have had any kidney trouble to speak of." "When Your Back Is Lame, Remember the Name DOAN'S," 50c, all stores. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the -t-J" Signature of (JizXjff&Z'AvU ' In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria : TO CURE A COLD IN ONK DAY Take l.AXATIVU ItRUMO Outniiie Tablets. Ph-krisis r-iunil money if il falls tn euro. K. W. UUUV U'rt biynaturo tson each box. 2oc Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE yTS LIVER PILLS never fi fail. Purely vegeta- T j-'- P ble act surely ; . SPinTCD'c but gently on . J i''Fr the liver. A, . '- l 15 JTLE Stop after -f HIVER dinner dis- if SLill" tress cure Jw S!B indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature F PARKER'S &M HAIR BALSAM L - V v. ' U ftsantM JUkI Nutifiej tie half. P' ' " --iflff Vromoiei lnruriiuit proirth, if j'.vyT - ilifvcr Fails to Restore Gry C'V" V Kn.tr to 111 Touthful Color. F Nyy-i,-, Prev.-nts hair falling. Brown's Bronchial Troches Nntliln.f o-cci'N tills Conch RomMj No opiates. .Sample fivo John- I. Ukotvs Jt Son, Uo?um, Mas ffei Bool Oounb Sjrup. Taatee Cwd. Vie hJ in time Sold by DruKtiitB. Isl Synonyms Parks Quality Reliability The things you buy of us must be right. We make them right, guarantee them right, and sell them right. 1912 designs in silverware sil-verware for the table now being shown. SALT LAKE CITt UTAH t Sheep Men When you maVket your clip, deposit some of your money by mail, and let it draw 4 per -s-iy cent compound inter-"t2' inter-"t2' est in a savings account ac-count at the "Tower of Strength" Walker Brothers Bankers Send for Booklet. Salt Lake City I OUR BIG 1912 CATALOG Of Seeds, Trees and Poultry Supplies Just brimming full of information that means dollars to every user of anything in the lines mentioned You are entitled to a Free Copy Mention this paper and write for it today P0RTER-WALTO3 CO. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH POTATOES Pototoes are a profitable rrop, and pood seed Is absolutely necessary from a hit,'h altitude. Wo recently boiiRbt ten cars of Montnnu and Idaho peed potatoes of the following variety: Bliss Early Triumph, Early Rose, Karly Ohio, Tduho Rurals,' Gems, Russets, and White Peuehblow; price 8 cents per pound. Order early and if row a bip crop of potatoes this year. VOGELER SEED CO.. Salt Lake City, Utah RUPTURE Seeley'a Spermatic Shield Pad Do npn The You V- Groove Exclusive Agents for Seeley's Spermatic Shield Truss Ah fitted to the Czar of Russia and now used and approved by the United .States government. govern-ment. Our trims fitter at our No. 1 store, Second South and West Temple, who was as-soeinied as-soeinied with Dr. Seeley while in this city, ia equipped to handle the most obstinate casea. Correspondence Solicited. Schramm-Johnson Drugs The Never Substitutors Five (5) Good Stores Salt Lake City d 15 137 ITfc CZ Oood Seeds, tho Our Seed Book tells of the liest 8cedKnni varieties varie-ties that you can prow hi this western country. Our book is (ree; a postal card will brl.ix you a copy. Better send lliat postal today. Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake City ni! A POSITIVE .nd PER-i'OirOT PER-i'OirOT MANENT' CURE FOR Mltfrrf "run'ienness a"d fcLA4js&a Opium Diseases. Tb.r. If no publicity, no lickneu. I.adiei trcalrd at pri..i,l7 .i in their own bom.i. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. IN-STITUTE. 334 W. Soulb Temple Slre.l. Sell L.k. Cilr INCUBATOUS After experimenting with many makes of incubators, incu-bators, we find that the Cyphers, .Jubilee, ami Buckeye are the best possible machines in this lntermountain country. Prices from Ss to $.Vi. Poultry Cat.iilfit.Hie free. Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake City |