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Show ; Neighborhood News j There will bs a benifit dance for rthuor Neilson who is cn a misson in Sweden, to-night (Fridray)the 29th Tickets 50c extra ladies 25c. A. E. Mcintosh returned home Sun' lay atter having spent a very pleas-mt pleas-mt visit with his brother at Provo luiing the week. John Winkler came home from Wyoming where he has been for the ast two years. He expects to re-nain re-nain here during the summer anu jerhaus longer. You can say goodbye to constips-tion constips-tion with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlains Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their use. For sale by All Dealers. Mr. and Mrs J. D. Roberts and daughter, of Avery, Idaho, formerly of Grand Junction, Col,, are visiting with Mrs. A. D. Sutton, a sister of Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Roberts has returned return-ed to Idaho, but Mrs. Roberts will remain a few more days. The Price Advocate has this tosay of the situation: Sanpete countj republicans are after the congressional congress-ional nomination this fall that ought to come to either Southern or Eastern East-ern Utah. Since Sanpete county is already pretty well cared for politically, politi-cally, what's the matter with Carbon insisting on supplying this timber? Many sufferes from rheumatism have been surpriased and delighted witn the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlains Liniment, Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for sale by All Dealers. R. A. Broadhurst returned from Sevur County where ne has been looking after the flocks and inspecting- the shearing correls. Judge Ferdinand Ericksen maue ahurrijd business trip to Nephi and also went to Utah County this week. Mrs. S. P. Sanderson of Fairview returned home Wednesday, after having spent a fortnight visiting her daughter, M.s. Hyrum Fechser. A good place for conference visitors visi-tors at Savory Hotel. Rooms $2.00 to $5.00 per week, 2G East 1st South. Salt Lake City. ' 3t Olga Christensen is home visiting-with visiting-with her mother this week. Mrs. Flossie Peterson of Hyrum is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hansen, Henry Otten formerly of this city, came in from St. Anthony, Idaho, where he now resides, and will visit with friends and relatives. He is well pleased with the country in which he is located, and reports to The Pyramid that Christian Jessen, also a former resident of Mourn Pleasant, harvested 15,000 bushels ot rain last season. This is an ex cellent showing for Mr. Jessen after leaving '.his neighborhood without any cap ital to work with. Mr. and Mr. W. D. Candland returned re-turned from Salt Lake City where they have been visiting their daughter daugh-ter Mrs. Dibblee: James Monsen was in Gunnison the early part of this week on a business trip. Mrs. Lawrence Larsen of this city was suddenly called to Tintic this week on account of the illness of her brother. It is hoped that nothing serious will result. Margaret Reynolds came home and payed a visit with her parents this week. Orange Seely returned to his home in Emery county after having spent a very delightful visit here with his friends and relatives. He came over to take part in the Annual Pioneer celebration which was held in this city two weeks ago. He led the Grand march at the Pioneer ball and took a leadiner part in the celebration. You judge a man not by what he promises to do, but by what he has done, That is the only true test. Chamberlains Cough Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale by All Dealers, Friends of Claude Candland will be pleased to hear that a marriage lience was issued in Salt Lake to Emeline Christensen of Spring City and Claude Clandland of Mt. Pleasant. Pleas-ant. Miss Anna Johnson, formely superintendent sup-erintendent of nurses at the Central Utah hospital at Mt. Pleasant, is now in Richfield assisting Dr. T. R. Gledhill. Miss Johnson will locate in Richfield permanently. Richfield Reaper. Our Range Rider, Frank Cox and family were surprised by their many friends Sunday night. Mr. Cox has been called to Mount Pleasant on duty and they left Tuesday for their new quarters. Emery County Progress. Pro-gress. Mrs N. P. Neilson paid a short visit to her son in Indianola. Mrs Denhalter returned home Monday from Provo, where she has been visiting with her mother for a couple of .weeks. Miss Anna J. Anderson who is teaching school at Sterling, was home this week to pay a visit with her mother. |