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Show Mrs. George Sorenson' was hostess host-ess at ari elaborate Kitchen Shower, at her home Friday afternoon in compliment to Miss Flossie Erick-sen, Erick-sen, a next week's bride. Mrs. Sor-' Sor-' enson was assisted hy Miss Trefsa Larsen. The guests were kept busy by the hostess in making all kinds of valueable and useful kitchen articles. A dainty lap luncheon was served to the following: Meadames, Hannah Matson, Dorcas Sorenson, Mume Easier, Maggie Peel, Henrv Erick-sen, Erick-sen, Ada McKell and the Miss Tina Ericksen, Flossi Ericksen, Lu-eile Lu-eile Barton, Florence Monscn, Elma Noland, Sarah Barton, Marian Larsen, Lar-sen, Ida Larsen, Fannie Miles, Ida Merz, Mary Peterson, Annie Jensen, and Mrs. Beatrice Proctor. A most excellent and complete set of Kitchen utensils was presented to the bride-elect, bride-elect, by the guests. Mis-i Sarah Barton was hostess at a nle sa-.tsoci:d in ihe form of a JCcnfinjrton at her home Saturday afternoon in compliment to her sister Mrs. Ira McKell of Spanish Fork. Those present were the Misses EtiaRolph, Florence Monsen, Ada McKell, Viola Whittaker, Elma No-land, No-land, Tina Ericksen, Lucile and Sijraii Barton Mr. and Mrs. . Harold Sorenson entertained at their home Wednesday Wednes-day evening, in honor of the former's birthdav. C;vt r- were laid for the following: Messrs and Mesdames, ! James Monscn, Andrew Jensen, ! Hnry E. Ericksen, E. R. Poulsen, Mr. Harry Ericksen, Miss Tressa ! Larsen, Fanny Monsen, Asenteth Swtnsen, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swen-sen, Swen-sen, and the host and hostess. The 0. N. 0. gills were the guests of Miss Viola Whittaker at her home Thursday tvming. Dainty refreshments refresh-ments were served. A very pleasant social affaiis was enjoye'd Monday evening at tne home of Mrs. E. K. Barton in the( form of a farewell for Mrs. C. H. West who went to Salt Lake Tuesday Tues-day to remain. A sumptuous dinner was served early in the evening, after which :h' lime was spent in singing, chatting . and dancing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. 2 D Strang, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Sylves-ter Bar on. Miss Lucile Barton, Mis Sl zab'. th Hampshire M1-. Arthur eil.-on, Willie Hansen, Byron Hampshire, Ham-pshire, Mr. and Mrs. Ad iph Benn ett, Mr. LeRoy Barton, Mrs. E K. ! riarton, Miss Hazel Barton, Mrs. Willard Eat ton, and Mr. and Mrs. L-.wienci- Barton. Grandpa Monsen was given a very i lea-a-st urp! ise party a? hi- home u-. s .i.y afternoon by his chiidiei anti giand-children. The ,ccassi(.n I vv a in honor of the eighty fourth oir hda.v oi Mr. Monsen. Innumer ableyooj thinus toea:. were prepur ed by itc party and in consequence t. sumptuous dinner served. The parti cipan's in the affa'r were: essr.-ind essr.-ind Mesdames, Jos. ph Morse,., iames M nsen, Harold Sorenstn, Gilbert Bt-ckstrcm, Andrew Jensen, E. H Ericksen, Joseph Johansen, Merlin Anderson, Mrs. Ethel C. Barton, George Christensen, Andrew Christensen, and the Misses Florence Flor-ence and Venetta Monsen, and Eva Ericksen. The "20" Century Club was en tertaine-1 at the home of Mrs. James Larson on Thursday last. Mrs. F. C. Jensen presented the lecturer on "England" A review of "Enoch Arden" was interestingly given by Miss Annie Johansen, Ten members answered roll call. The following committees were announced for next year, Social Committee: Mrs. Miles, Chairman; and Mrs. W. D. Candland, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. Jas. Larson and Mrs. J. W. Anderson Ander-son as members. Literary Committee: Commit-tee: Mrs. H. C. Jacobs, Miss Hilda Madsen, Mrs. D. D. Tebbs, Mrs. Geo. Madsen and Mn,. P. M. Neil-sou Neil-sou as members. |