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Show Look lo Your Plumbing: You know what happens in a house in which the plumbing is in poor condition, everbody in the house is R liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs performs the same functions in the human body as the plumbling does for the house, and they, should be v kept in first class condition all the s time. If you have any' trouble with a your digestion take Chamberlain's Tablets and are certain to get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. Absoiaieiy Pure The 8jf BaSsn& Powder mads from Royal Grsape Qresns ef Tartar NO ALUS, NO LIME PHOSPHATE as thePrjce of a Good Suit of Clothes? p TWENTY DOLLARS." j can buy good clothes for less than H that, $18.00; $15.00, or even as low as $12; g H you can pay more. I make very fine clothes H at $25.00 to $30.00. But $20.00 is a good aver- g tej age price; most men who appreciate good f quality and style in clothes, good tailoring S s and fit, are willing to pay as much as $20.00. S S Now, this suityou'll get for $20.00 will sur- H prise you. You will get all-wool fabrics, s fe trimmings and linings of a high-grade; the 5 fs .things that make a suit wear well and keep ! shapely. Come in and be convinced. S BCM. PETERSEN 2ES I M j MT. PLEASANT, - - UTAH g SSSSSSMSS ilillli Ericksen Meat and Crocery Co. Choicest Meats, - Freshest Groceries In Stock Always All fruits and early vegetables in season. Equipment jhoroughly up to date. Patronage of the public solicited i To Our Electric Light Patrons: We urge all our light users to use the latest improved MAZDA LAMP for economy and brighter light. Your meter tells a story each month that sometimes isn't a pleasant one. If you are using the old fashioned 25-cent carbon lamp your meter runs up, and of ter you have insufficient light for your needs. You can double your illumination at no greater cost of current by using the Mazda lamp. They cost only 50 cents. Try them, and then note the difference. Mt. Pleasant Mill & Power Co. N. S. NEILSON F. C. JENSEN O. F. WALL President Vice-President Cashier MOUNT PLEASANTCOMMERCIAL& SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS Ferdinand Ericksen, Rasmus Anderson, Andrew Madsen Olof Rosenbf, Swen O. Nielson, A. C. Wall Both checks and savings accounts are respectfully solicited. All customers will receive courteous treatment, and their business our prompt attention. Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. .People sending money through the mails should secure drafts, this being the cheapest and safest way of transmitting transmit-ting money. Banking hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Four Per Cent. Interest Per Annum Allowed on Saving) 'Deposits, Payable Semi-Annually. Semi-Annually. :-: Municipal and School Bonds Bought and Sold wmmum CALIFORNIA , j j 1 I New Train Service. Inaugurated I Sc "TN. April 5th. I V!t "THE PACIFIC LIMITED." YVl Electrically Lighted Equipment. I l" l 'i'Y )n Standard and Tourist Sleepers, JS-'Lf J Diner, Observation Car. I VOul "Free Reclining Chair." Ej -"- Leaves Salt Lake daily, 8:45 a. m. I Arrives Los Angeles, 10 a. m. Two 1 No. 63 Every ' other good trains daily. Morning From anThf. Los Angeles Limited electric- g T u . al'y lighted, Standard and Tourist I Utah Pomts. Make Sleepers. Diner and Observation - I Connections at Buffet. Leaves Salt Lake 5 p. m. I 1 Lynndyl with the Pa- Arrives Los Angeles 4:30 p. m. The j .fi , . .. . , Overland Express, Standard and " i c'fic Llm'ted for Tourist Sleepers, Dining car through a Southern Utah and Free reclining chair cars. cl( 9 California Points. For further information sec any Salt Lake Rout. Agent. Write for California Literature. Olj Ticket Office 10th East, 3rd South, Salt Lake City. tin- T. C. Peck, G. P. A. J. II. Manderfield, A. G. P. A. I Los Angeles, Salt Lake City. . I fit |