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Show UTAH STATE NEWS Many new orchards are being set out In Washington county md a renewed interest is shown in fruit growing. George Hebert, who was caught In the act of robbing a store at Morgan, has been sentenced to five years' imprisonment. im-prisonment. A proclamation designating Tuesday, Tues-day, April 15, as Arbor day and a general holiday in the state 'of Utah has been issued by Governor Spry. The state land board has refused to . cancel the withdrawal of Carey act land in Emery county made on behalf ' of the Iluckhorn Irrigation company. ' James G-Ecar Wilson, a laborer, 28 years of age, was shot through the stomach in an altercation in a saloon in Salt Lake, and is in a serious condition-Mrs. Eathel Allred Yates drank a bottle of carbolic acid at Lehi on Thursday and died within ten minr utes. Ill health is supposed to have been the cause. Believing that a swat in time saves about nine billion later on, the Salt' Lake board of health already has begun be-gun its annual campaign against the pestiferous housefly. A new liquor ordinance limiting the number of saloons in Salt Lake to one for every thousand of population has been drafted and is to be presented to the city commission. Clarence Dean, aged 11, of Ogden, may die as the rsult of injuris sus-taind sus-taind whn h ran away from home. While riding a horse he was thrown, " his skull being fractured. March was a record month for measles at Ogden, 122 cases being reported. re-ported. There are at present 86 cases in quarantine. Other contagious diseases dis-eases showed a decrease. Waxed paper containers instead of glass bottles may come into general use among the retail milk dealers of Ogden if the plan is sanctioned by ' the fitate health authorities. '. John Gleason of Butte, who had been a guest in the county jail at Ogden Og-den as a result of a protracted spree, has been adjudged insane and taken to jfoe mental hospital at Prov'b. J. Every union electrical worker iri Salt Lake Pity ig idle, having been locked out by the electrical ppntract-rirS. ppntract-rirS. Tije men had demanded an ill-create ill-create i wages and better working conditions. . Three -bys'iness houses at Bingham i w&re flooded, causing damage estimated esti-mated at ,000, when. the waters from, Markham guloh washed away the old Butler-Liberal dump and clogged the flume under Canyon hall for 300 feet. Seventy-eight thousand acres or excellent ex-cellent farm lands in the Uintah basin now belonging to the Uintah Indians of the Uintah and Ouray agencies is to be sold or leased under the direction direc-tion of the commissioner of Indian affairs. The school children of Ogdan are coming to the front with subscriptions j to assist the flood sufferers in Ohio t and Indiana, and already ?294.S6 has been voluntarily donated by the pupils. The contributions were from 1 cent to ' 25 cents. A general spring', "house cleaning-has cleaning-has been erdered for the railroad yards in Ogden. All rubbish left during dur-ing the construction of the new heating heat-ing system is to be cleared away and the building3 are to have a new coat pf paint. ! ' ' X An increase of more, than $7,000,000 ' - in the amount of insurance in force in Utah in December, 1912, than in the same month of the. previous year is shown in the biennial report of Wil-lard Wil-lard Done, state insurance commissioner. commis-sioner. V . Acting in accordance with the authority auth-ority given them by the late legislature, legisla-ture, the state land board has decided o grant a year's extension of time to rlL settlers on the Hatchtown project v,ho have been unable to meet their payments to the state. An automobile race track and grandstand, grand-stand, to cost approximately $20,000, which, it is said, will be the second best track of its kind in the world, will be built this summer by the Salt Lake Automobile Speedway company, at the terminus of their speedway at Saltair. John Beck, a resident of Utah for - half a century, who had made and j lost several fortunes in mining ventures, ven-tures, died at Salt Lake, April 2. His death was due to blood-poisoning resulting re-sulting from a scratch inflicted seven I weeks ago on a toe by a nail m one of his shoes. B F Redman, recently appointed a member of the state dairy, and food bureau, to succeed A. H. Crabbe, has , tendered his resignation to the gov- j ,-rnor As yet no successor has been , Announced. Mr. Redman declared he , was not an aspirant for the office and ; did not care to serve. I Patrolman John J. Murphy of Ogden, who recently received a bullet m his law while trying to capture a burglar ,as left the police force. Murphy has een in several shooting affairs, and each time has received injuries that have come near proving fatal. John O. Carlson, a watchman for the Rio Grande railroad at Salt Lal-e lV !s been regarded for years as a flu?erployeand who has nide numerous arrests of box car thieves, Z Tbeon charged with wholesale box car robberies covering a pcr.od of years. . , Combined musical organizations ol Bait Lake with approximately 600 voices, a score or more soloists with a piano and the great organ accompanying, accompany-ing, entertained an audience of 2,000 at the tabernacle on the evening of I March 4, with a program of compositions composi-tions of Evan Stephens. Foreign conference reunions of mis-1 mis-1 sionaries and former members of these conferences were held in connection I with the annual conference of the Mormon Mor-mon church. |