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Show Dr. D. D. Tebte DENTIST Lamont Building Mt Pleasant, - . Ulnh S J. W. CHERRY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Lamont Buildinz, Mt. Pleasant. Utah. Tel. No. 46. DR. R. A. BURCH DENTIST Wasatch Building Mt Pleasant, ::: Utah J. E. LarsenL. Watchmaker and Jeuelef Also Engraving. ALL WORK GUARANTIED Office Opposite Tost Office GEORGE CHRISTENSEN, A ttorney-at-Law. OFFICE: Second floor of the Erie It-Ben It-Ben block. Notary Public in office. Telephone No. 79. Mt. Pleasant, - - - Utah. . Up -To -Date Shoe p Repairing Done at very reasonable prices. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Marinus Otten. J. C. Stocks, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office, 2nd floor in Wasatch Block. Hours 2 to 5 daily Office phone No. 5 Residence phone No. 11 Mount Pleasant, Utah. -Heaters p Heaters! The Great Western is a heater that always gives good satisfaction, is a coal-saver and very easilv kept clean. Call at the Cotu Furniture Co. For Good - I AUTO SERVICE GOOD OUTFITS FOR TRAVELING MEN On Short Notice THE DRAPER LIVERY l is the best. Hacks for all Trains. , Draper Livery i ERNEST DRAPER, Prop. ; Mt. Pleasant, - - Utah. V : i RUBBING CLOTHES H jlna is out of date and out of iason. It not only wears out the A cltMng,but is 1 BACK BREAKING WORK I oM y n0t brcak away fronl the 1 Wmethods, and keep up with the 1 i 'me3 by sending your washing to ' I ! Troy Laundry 1 Pleasant - - Utah i. i Heart Disease Almost Fatal to Young GirK "My daughter, when thirteen years old, tvas stricken -Kith heart trouble. She nas so bad we had to place her bed near a window so she could get her breath. One doctor said, 'Poor child, she Is likely v to fall dead any ' time.' A friend told me Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy had cured her father, so I tried It, and . she began to im-iSSn'A im-iSSn'A J?v?! Prove- She took iA'c$A fW&s a &reat many bot-Mf-Py ties, but she Is ' ftl y' i spared to me to day, a fat, rosy cheeked girl. No one can imagine the confidence I have in Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy." A. R. CANON, Worth, Mo. The unbounded confidence Mr. Canon has in Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Rem-edy is shared by thousands of others who know its value from experience. Many heart disorders yield to treatment, if the treatment is right. If you are bothered with short breath, fainting spells, swelling swell-ing of feet or ankles, pains about the heart and shoulder blades, palpitation, pal-pitation, weak and hungry spells, you should begin using Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy at once. Profit by the experience of others while you may. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Is sold and guaranteed by all druggists. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 4 Wm. P. WINTERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, ! Mount Pleasant ..Utah '. A 21 JEWEL HAMILTON WATCH .. Accuracy is the big consideration. Accuracy is what the railroad man must have. Over 50 per cent, of the railroad men in America carry Hamilton Watches. The railroad timekeepers of America. Amer-ica. C. D. STRANG Jeweler Mt. Pleasant, Utah Whitney Carriages and Go-Carts at A. R. YOUNG'S - Furniture Store. Mt. Pleasant, - - - - Utah. Straight At It. There is no use of our "beating around the bush." We might as well out with it first as last. We want you to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see why you should not do so. This preparation by its remarkable cures has gained a world wide reputation, and people every where speak of it in the highest high-est terms of praise. It is for sale by All Dealers. m m Youngs Furniture Store For Wall Paper, Rugs, Linoleum, Furniture, Singer Sewing machines, the Famous, Domestic Vacum Sweeper, Sweep-er, Ocedar Polish Mops, Baby Carriages, Car-riages, Go. Carts, etc. A. R. Young Mt. Pleasant. Utah. -j A Lasting Impression can be made with printing as well as with architecture. If you want printed matter which attracts, persuades, per-suades, convinces, that leaves a lasting impression of the merits mer-its of your proposition, the advantages which your business or house offers, then you should patronize the MOUNT PLEASANT PYRAMID. ML Pleasant, Utah. ;j For One Week jf fS Commencing B 1 APRIL 7TH, I W we will give a special p discount of R 10 per cent. I on the best line of m P TAILORED CLOTHING 8? 1 in the market. fj$ I The UNIVERSAL ALL 4 WOOL LINE. ' I ffjr Don't miss the opportunity. 8 Wasatch Merc. Co. A.Merz&Co. jSI; rW Mt.Pleasant, Ut. fjll TREE!--- $5060.00 IN AWARDS FREE! THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE BOOKLOVERS' CONTEST IS JUST STARTING-NO SOLICITING, NO CANVASSING-JUST AN INTERESTING INTER-ESTING GAME WHICH ALL CAN PLAY SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TRIBUNE TRI-BUNE AT ONCE AND FOLLOW THE CONTEST SO YOU CAN GET YOUR'SHARE OF THE PRIZES. The,Salt Lake Tribune has announced an-nounced a BOOKLOVERS' CONTEST; CON-TEST; in which $5060.00 in valuable awards will be divided among those who participate successfully. This contest consists of Seventy-Se Seventy-Se en Pictures one picture being published pub-lished each day in the Tribune. Each picture will represent the title of a a book, and the contestant is required requir-ed to Solve the Seventy-Seven Pictures Pic-tures giving the name of the book and it's author. The first picture appeared ap-peared in' the Tribune, March 23rd. 1913. ' . YOU CAN ENTER THIS CONTEST AT ANY TIME. Although it is not required that you be a subscriber, it is best anl cheapest to subscribe, so you will receive re-ceive the Tribune every day without with-out having the bother and expense of looking up a newsboy or newsstand news-stand and paying 5 cents for every copy. A catalogue of 5000 book titles has been printed and these will be mailed mail-ed upon receipt of forty cents. In addition to containing the ,500 titles, from which the Seventy Seven Pictures Pic-tures are being selected, this catalogue cata-logue also contains seven certificates redeemable for the first Thirty-Five Pictures of the contest. ' , Watch for announcements in The Salt Lake Daily Tribune. . Address all communications regarding re-garding this contest to; Booklovers' Contest Editor SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. Advertisement. "Better by test than all the rest" JPjk " Write for price list, Order from ff-"i yj' V' p |