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Show SPRING 1913. s Children's Coats, v j ; Shipped direct to us by Express from New o York City. -dk , They reached us yesterday and have met with our utmost approval. c& All Wool Serge, Collars and Cuffs of Satin J? Moirec, prices $3.50 to $6.00. . Shepherd Plaids, $3.00. These are Big Leaders and Immense Values of the latest designs and best workmanship. Sizes run from 3 to 14. : ' Jj& We have just received a few numbers in Ladies, Misses and Child- cS t , drens White Summer Dresses. They are excellent styles and excep : (P tional values. 3y ! f THE SANPETE. f Constipation and Catarrh , v , lieve me? Well, whether you would le- 1 lieve me c n( t It is the truth. -5 s x J For many y.iars I have been wrest- ' ,J,tkt!l&&' " I linS with the problem, of furnishing 1 the public an Internal catarrh remedy, t ' J Peruna has been the remedy that I ' v 1 nave devised a.nd it has certainly re- t 1 lieved many tliousand people, yes nun-. Jl dreds of thousands of people, of chronic 1 I K " 1 catarrh. I vS 4 . - Constipation was my chief difflaulty I t $J& $ ifr $ in treating- these cases. I often felt I I f sv , H J that it would be' better If a laxative f $ ? V s j i 4 element were added to Peruna. I feared I V. ' 1 to do so, however, first because of f Wf v "sr i the nl'-rnDer catarrhal patients who L - ' x 1 needed no laxative, and second I was js S 4 " ? I afraid of making- such a radical change ; P sa1 SVv vi in a remetly that was already doing L ? fs. "V.' a v so wel1- Tnus u was that 1 continued 1 f , A , 3v.V to Prescribe with the: Peruna a bottle IS w j- of Manalln to those who needed a lax- F N s -f3s' 1 atlve. At last, under circumstances j i , J' t 1 explained -in my booklet, I was con- j E s 5. 0 V v , ' j strained to add the laxative element to j L " -V i Peruna. This constitutes what ia now I s X V 4 ' laiov;n as the revised Peruna. s v- Now those who take Peruna wIlL I 'A . . V V SL first, find themselves promptly relieved of their constipation. Second, the S. B. HARTMAN, M. D. catarrh will gradually disappear. Ana Tou are constipated. Tou have taken once the catarrh is cured the consti-laxatives, consti-laxatives, a great many years. Tou Pation leaves permanently. Then li have tried to select a diet that would yu follow the advice given In my keep your bowels regular1. In this you book. will never have to take pills j have failed and were obliged to go an mor- Cathartics and laxatWe. . , . , v. T you can ignore. Tou will be perma- back to your laxatives again. This, I nenHy relleved of bofh your catarrh say, has been going on many years. and the constlnation. PERUNA IS Tou also have a slight catarrh in the for SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES head and throat. Tou never imagined SPECIAL NOTICE Many persons that the catarrh had anything to do fre mak'ng.- inquiries for the old- .... , , T time Peruna. To such wouia say, with he constipation. Suppose I were this formula, is now put out under tho to tell you that as long as you have name of K A -TAR -NO, manufactured .u . . . f vfitf by KA-TAIi-NO Company, Columbu. that catarrh you will ne-ver get better 0'hlo Wrl)e them ad ey wlll b9 of your constipation. AVould you be- pleased to end you a free bookJet. j f . Serve Brick Ice Cream or Punch at your next party. You can get it at the Crystal. Adv. FOR SALE A good home, modern mod-ern in every respect, Apply to Mrs. Frank Madsen. FOR SALE.--93 acres of land, good water right, good brick home, good orchard situated at moutn of Cottonwood Cot-tonwood Canyon. Apply to Bert Christensen, Fajrvjew, Utah, I I FOR SALE For sale cheap, the home of Mrs. 2llis Lay Wiicox nn North State Street. For particulars see George -Christensen, Mt. Tleasant, Utah FOR SALE CHEAP-Two good :ity lots, good orchard and water tight. Also good house and out huildings. Apply to Guy R. Olsen. I TREES! TREES! Hard and soft wood shade trees at lowest prices. , Send your orders to, Chas. Musig. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. For Sale. One of the finest build ing lots, good location, closed in and adjoining the beautiful home of John 3underson.-Apply Burke McArth-ar. LOST A small parcel, between Post Office and High School, Finder Find-er please return to the Art Department Depart-ment of the High School. Public Stenographic Work. Commercial Com-mercial Department Wasatch Academy. Acad-emy. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Adv. FOR SALE A good, young horse at bargain. Apply HC. Mcrz. FOR SALE The old C. Truscott place on State Street. For information informa-tion see S. M. Nielson. FOR SALE One bay work mare 6 yr. old, weight about 1500 lbs. Apply Ap-ply to N. H. Omansen, Spring City. Choice apples for sale at 50 -cejits per bushel. L. C. Rasmussen. G-od Lambing Ground for about 1200 ewes for lease. Also alfalfa hay for sa e. Apply to Ed Madsen. LOST At the Pioneer Ball, one beaded scfrf. Finder return to Mrs. Jas. Reynolds. Reward. Adv. Ice Cream at the Gem beginning Sunday Aprii 6th. -Adv. FOUND Two new keys. Owner may get them at this office. Horse and saddle for sale cheap, good outfit for a boy. Apply to ' Vern Draper, adv. FOUND-ABay Horse about 4 years o'd; no mark or brand; has four white feet. Owner call at Moroni Mor-oni Mill. M. Bro, herson. adv. V - 1 n --JX"- - ' 1 -"1 1 FIVE PASSENGER (JJQpT E X4 OrCi TOURING CAR ONLY J) 01 D I I Orders are being placed ! faster then the Manufactur-1 ers can supply the demands I I have already sold ten of these cars in the Nortn 1 End of Sanpete County. Place your order now and 1 get one early. 0 A. JAMES AAGARD, Agent, Fountin Green, Utah g? Gray Granite Ware at prices that you can S p scarcely believe- H Something we picked up special from one of g $ the largest manufacturers in the country. q i .1 m Here are a few of the prices. Scv ' Cups and Dippers, each - - - 5c g$ H Large Pie Plates, each - - - 10c J p Pudding Pans, choice of 1, 1 1-2, 2, I 3, quart, each 10c u? i m . m 8 Sauce Pans, each - - - - - 10c , 0 . 1 12 quart Dish Pans, each - - 25c $S t S Wash Basins, each 15c m H Large Mixing Bowls, each - - 15c P m This gives you a whole lot for little money at Jj l m & 1 THE PROGRESS I h MERCANTILE CO. ' U - |