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Show f Fountain Green v ED JOHNSTON-DRUGS. Mt. Pleasant & Moroni. FREE delivery to any place in Sanpete Co. Mail & Phone orders receive prompt attention. atten-tion. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson spent a few days in Salt Lake last week. Sam Robertson returned to his home at Idaho Falls after visiting with his sister Mrs. Alice Johnson. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. I Joseph Anderson is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Arthur Johnson is recovering from an attack of pneumonia. A. L. Bartlett and two children have moved to Ogden whore they will make thcir'home at present. Mr. and Mrs.' August Johnson returned re-turned last week from Bingham where they spent the winter. Lena Livingston left for Basin, Idaho, to spend the summer visiting with her sister Mrs. Edgar Robertson. Robert-son. The students who are attending the Snow Academy are home during conference vacation. Warren Allred, Leiapd Cooh, Af-ton Af-ton Allred, Clifford May.er and Irwin Oldroyd are home from Provo for the spring vacation. They are, attending at-tending the B. Y. U. W. C. Pack and J. R. Crandall of Provo spent a few days visiting here Edith Irons of Moroni vfsfted here a few da-;-. , Sohn Holman and J. J. Cildroyd left for Jericho last week to' make preparations for shearing which, began be-gan on the 11th. The shearers left on Wednesday. The dance of the season was given by the Shuttle Club Saturday night. ' The hall was appropriately decor ated. Refreshments were served. -Avery large crowd was in attendance attend-ance and everyone hd a most enjoyable en-joyable time. Tuesday the old folks were entertained enter-tained in the meeting house. Dinner Din-ner was served, a program was rendered ren-dered in the afternoon and after supper they spent a.plensant hour at the picture show. !: , - |