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Show Lone Set of Whiskers Upsets Wilson's Cabinet m vSHINGTON It was whispered, If but the whisper was not absolutely absolute-ly verified, that the real absorbing riuestlon before the Wilson cabinet at Its special meeting the other day was that of a delicate tonsorial policy, one Involving the much-vaunted "Jeffer-' "Jeffer-' tionlan simplicity" ln'its Inherent prin ciples and requiring razor-edged diplomacy di-plomacy in Its treatment. The intricacies of the Mexiean situation, situ-ation, the matter of patronage, distribution, distri-bution, the subject of diplomatic relations rela-tions with South and Central America, Amer-ica, the tariff, the currency and kindred kin-dred topics all were shelved while the cabinet members turned their combined statesmanship loose on a pair of offending whiskers. Secretary Redfleld of the department depart-ment of commerce is the owner of the -hirsute appendages In question. With one exception the other members of the cabinet are as smooth-shaven as was Jefferson himself. Not one has a hair on cheek, chin, lip or jowl, while a few in addition have domes that are sparingly thatched. The Secretary Secre-tary of Agriculture, David F. Houston, has a very small mustache, so spare In fact, that It is barely noticeable. Opposite President Wilson sits Mr. Redfleld at the foot of the great mahogany ma-hogany table, a position that makes his facial decorations all the more conspicuous. The whiskers that tickle the fancy of the cabinet are of the Burnside pattern. pat-tern. If allowed to grow a bit more luxuriantly they would be a famous pair of Dundrearies. They' lack the swishing whiskbroom of Senator Kern's beard, but are of a type 'that might adorn with equal grace a prosperous pros-perous banker-or-a--patent medicineman. medicine-man. When the Redfleld Burnsides loom in sight their 'Wearer might be taken for a successful manufacturer, a returned re-turned missionary or an advance agent for a three-ring circus, for they lack the umbrageousness and the effulgence ef-fulgence that go with the statesman's Cut. . In official circles It was reported that a resolution was presented ask-' ing that . Mr. Redfleld detach himself from the whiskers. This report raised a question In a western delegation of how such a tonsorial ton-sorial policy adopted by the .national administration might affect Col. James Hamilton Lewis in his contest for election to the United States senate. |