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Show Deaths Harold Lee, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lee, died March 29th at Los Angeles, California, after eleven weeks illness with heart troubles and dropsy. Harold was born in Mount Pleasant Pleas-ant September S, 1903. He with his parents have been in California for about fifteen month?. They mar'e many friends and acquaintances while they have been od the coast. A beautiful funeral was arranged by the L. D. S. Church at Los Angc-les Angc-les on the 1st. The speakers were Patriarch Larkins of Ogden, and I Geo. Anderson, President of the Los Angeles Conference. The ciders there acted as pall bearers. The floral flor-al offerings were most beatUiful. They consisted of a mass of cRrna-tions, cRrna-tions, lillies, ferns, roses and many other beautiful flowers. Everything that could bo done by loving hands was rendered by tht it-friends it-friends to assist them while the young boy was ill, and also in their bereavement. |