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Show FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Arc Richest in Curative Qualities f FOR BACKACHE, RHEUMATIS'" ""- .No BLAOD5" TAME YOUR HORSES! gJSSM! Carlos I5roomlia.ll, R. 1, H. Anaheim, CaL miHiMiiniiMiiirtiJiniini.innTiJiniraD y OT T Q O Depends larrely iD U A uponone'u phy "T ' teal conditions Ntnan or woman can do their beat - work if troubW d with a weak stomach , or a torpid iver. Don't be cweleaa i c. Don't procrastinata. " v Dr. Pierce's , Golden Medical Discovery1 -: ftromotes the flowof digestive jnicoa. ---i-v'..., nvijforates the liver and purifies ana enriches the blood. It makes men " ' nnd women strong in body aod ; active in mind. s Ask Your Druggist nanii!iuii!(L!Hiiiian:iiissmiiiimHiu0 SPECIAL TO WOMEN Do you realize the fact that thousand of women are now using A Soluble Antiseptic Powder as a remedy for mucous membrane affections, af-fections, such as sore throat, nasal o pelvic catarrh, inflammation or ulceration, ulcera-tion, caused by female ills? Women who have been cured say "it is worth its weight in gold." Dissolve in water and apply locally. For ten years the Lydia EX Pinkham Medicine Co. ha recommended Paxtine in their private correspondence with women. For all hygienic and toilet uses it has no equal. Only 50c a large box at Druggists Drug-gists or sent postpaid on receipt of price. The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Others Make $400 a Day, So Can You if'asc' Circling Wave BooherBros.,at Bagertown, Ind.. made 8360.130 In 6 hours; noxtdav ai CrawfordRvllle H02; another made sy in ail hoars. H's novel brlmf ml of enjoyment. The ercollent music draws thn crowd the wavy, exciting ride keeps them, Brisht.eye-cfiLcbinu appoa ranee whenln motion, durably constructed safely made. You're lJusy All the Time In winter nnd summer only one assistant needed. Daily gasoline cost 65c. LotuBsond you detailed particulars about the Circling Wave and its money milking power. You'll be interested. interest-ed. AltJli'iAUK Gl'LK, SUa Hill Si., SprinrnL. M. I. HOWARD E. BURTON sZh$,s"' I Specimen prices: Gold, SUvor, Lead, fl: (.Jold Silver, 16c; Gold, 60c; Zinc or C'nippur, $1. Akiiling: envelopes and full price Hit sent on upplloii lotu Control and umpire work Boltcllod. I.caiiville, Col. Reference. Carbonate National Bauk. 10 cents for Handkerchief Perfume Tablet WbiOil Agents wanted. ftCKULKSS CO., BUteolta, KU. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 15-1913. r-fZCO LT DISTEMPER y:. V 3i'VfcCan be handled Terr easily. The tick are cured, and all othon la. "-'-.di-vV. $ same Btablt. no matter how "exposed." kept from haTina the dl- .KrJtfJs . V.:ttA&oaBe, by using BFOLIN'S LIQUID DISTEMPER CUKE. Otvo on ' , i tonpoe.or in feod. Acta on the blood ami expels jrermn of y"-"-.;'.-' ';. .'-ifVB-.M-,-; n.t? ailfomiaof distemnor. Best remedy eer knowu for roaree in foftL V'-'"""' 2 '.".vvfii.: will jne bottle truaran teed to euro one case, 60c and It a bottle; land i t " $ I I Odozen of rtrugiftsfFaiid harnaes dealers, or sent express paid by J' I J tu. W manufacturers. Cut shows bow to poultice throats. Our fre g $ l Jt V-T rtl I Booklet plves everything. lxcnl amenta warned. Lartreel wllina "i'' 8fcJA5. horse remedy in oxlutenee twelva yearn. 9 SPOHN MEDICAL CO.tCbemUtaamiD.rtcrioioeUis, Coshen lnd9 U. S. Aa Stops Baciiaeiie ' Sloan's Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache, stiff i j ' joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. You don't need to I rub it in just laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at once. 1 ' Best for Pain and Stiffness MR. Geo. Buchanan, of Welch, Okla., writes : "I have used your Lin- J j iment for the past ten years for pain in back and stiffness and find it the best S I Ijniment Iver td. I rmanjrae for pains of anykind.'' j I is good for sprains, stains, bruises, cramp or soreness of the muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest ; t! !25lV Got Entire Relief i JlHv ' Burooynk, of Maysville. Ky., RR. i. Box J fjrrvS 5. writes: "Iliad severe pnins between my shoul- i i vTin ders; I got a bottle of your Liniment and had entire J relief at the fifth application." J 5Fv Relieved Severe Pain in Shoulders 1 - vV Mr- J' Underwood, of 2000 Warren Ave., ''(J Chicago. 111., writes: "lama piano polisher 5 V'jC by occupation, and since last September have ? ft 3 T-t itt V. 1 suffered with severe pain in both shoulders. j I '1' V' 1 " v V' I could not rest nifeht or day. One of my S J'-k :) 'jj '' 4 -k'h friends told me aliout your Liniment. I j yvt-ii'.tj Three applications completely cured a 4 "57aKV'XlJXfV V me an1 1 wil ncver le without it." Rw i N. Price 25c, SOiy, and $1.00 I Wfe&r$nyMw8M' at All tfealor.. I f VlP?'''V- thi b ZrX X Send for Sloan's f rc Wt on borm. 1 iJfCV W Dr- Earl S- Sloan, I I n!!neir3SiS3ja $g y Boston, Mass. B XW- - O 6-U Q LAS cV- ' (mm shoes UuuA MM ; -jF0R MEN AND WOMEN P Wf ' uu.-mi3. BZ87 BOYS SHOES tn Iht WORLD I Mt-: 1 I Wp-a .;-y.frv u.oo. a. 50 and S3 00. I f jr I Jrifj I J e lrRet makers of 1 ' ' i ' 5i Men's $3.S0and $4.00 s - f (yjrjf, .g shoes in the world. f A 4 J i&f'4"'.sA ARk your fieatT to show voti r fi,-''-2i t -. IV. I- Douttla SMJSO. S4.00 ami g'Xj f&-'lij?i ME, Y ?J Sl.BO phor. Jui.t as (jood in xt vlo - 11 K . TjliLf (SOTHAM V-;-- -4 fat ami wfsruoibw makos c..MlnK r,.O0 to S7 00 fV:wJii. f V -the only difference la tbe price. Miis in all f N,VV' 'A '"th. atylea and abapea to anlt everybody. f-'UPK 1 f. 1' j j) y" could visit W. I Itongia, large 'facto- t'.'V ZjrAyi f - . Vh, 6 Bt Brockton, Maaa., and ace for vounfaJS'J."A ffV- ' - how carefully W. I.. I)ouela. .hoea are made. V&V 'A -tX TO" would then underaland why they are warranted ' A l '." W". look la-lter, hdld their ihaiie and wear P ' oSf I 03 V" 'A '""e':r tha" Bnv l,er make 'or the price. '?ffTf5if 'Hoa y'-. ,IH- I-rl , h),r,r, arc not for sale In Tour rlrlnlly. order f J,( :' f viwihn ' (tV.' -.-?X ' i, ';'""" "" 'actory and save the m!tllrtann's pr-'IU IM i JhmuttM "iy " 1 M'"t for every n.mMrot the tan,ll. at all twlcea. i,,1" t. JJ l-arcel I'oal. post axe free. Welle for I ll,..lrl c. - CaOTIOItl iee.c hu ar(( ehy yon can apve mooey on your footwear W.L.Ifti(t.as I I3UB8TITUTE W. I IXXOI.AK . . Rrorkton M .a B name la atamond I " .nw..oonom , WUV fri'PE ISflTHR PUIPQ n!C Wr'l'f"rbook'1'lTln';r5'onn't'l'l'-l''- Send na ilil l:tUUUMIUn OnlUrVO UlL nam'"'7'r'-n'l"'t"elnci.l,auinncl (ret took free, Ra.isu.ll Iteroedy Co.. iltackwell.Okiaw |