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Show THE CITY. BEAUTIFUL.' The activities of a clean-up should begin at once and a relentless re-lentless war be waged against everything that is unsightly within Mount Pleasant. At the back of such a' clean-up movement move-ment should be the City Administration, Ad-ministration, the Commercial Club, women's clubs and the public schools generally. Work should begin in earnest and a number of -garbage wagons wag-ons kept busy -hauling away rubbish. ( Vacant lots should be cleaned,- dead trees and brush removed in various parts of the city, old fences tore down, sidewalks side-walks cleaned and residental yards put into a pleasing condition. condi-tion. A Proclamation designating Tuesday April 15th, as Arbor day and a general holiday in the state of Utah was issued Tuesday April 1st by the governor gover-nor of Utah. No holiday in the year, either state or national, affords a great opportunity than does Arbor day for rendering beneficial service. It presents a special opportunity for all to become public benefactors. It comes at a time of the year when nature itself invites us to aid in adding to the beauty of the earth and the comfort of man. With but little assistance nature will make of tiny seeds a cluster of beautiful roses, or of a bud a tree laden with luscious lusci-ous fruit. Well may we welcome Arbor day. Gladly may we fulfil its high purposes, as set forth in the Governor's proclamation, by the planting of trees and shrubs, vines and flowers, where, through the miracle of growth, they will add profit and pleasure to those who shall live in future years. The Mayor and City Coun-cilmen Coun-cilmen have issued a request that the day be observed by the citizens this year, more than ever before. It is the desire of tne city fathers, in keeping the spirit of the governor in observing obser-ving the day, to make a thorough thor-ough cleaning of the city, as well as planting; new shrubs; trees, etc. The interest of every citizen is solicted in this movement to clean up the city,:and the hearty hear-ty co-operation of every resident of Mount Pleasant is expected in joining forces in a war against the unsightly and make of Mount Pleasant the City Beautiful. i JTne people of Mount Pleasant Pleas-ant who witnessed. Professor Zelriss at the Melba Theatre last Tuesday evening, in an expose ex-pose of the Black Art or Legerdemain, Leger-demain, as performed by, some of the most noted magicians of the world, were certainly taken irj, and as a faker he is one of the worst that it has ever been ohr pleasure of witnessing. He is1 a disgrace to that - profession and should not be ' allowed to perform on any stage before an audience. His method of exhorting ex-horting the shekels from the pockets of the show loving public pub-lic are crude and as a professional profes-sional grafter he could, not be outdone. Such people traveling travel-ing through our country and making a living by grafting off the public should not be tolerated tolerat-ed and it is to be hoped that in the future the management cf the Melba will be more careful in his selections and not sting his patrons as they were stung last Tuesday evening. ,. . |