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Show Notice For Publication Department of the Interior, TJ. P. LAND OFFICE at Salt Lake Citv. Clan Feb. -2i. I'M.i. NOTICE Is hereby given that Noleofi R. Pritchett, Fan-new, Utah, who on March 27th, lXi. made Homestead Km rv (Serial OJ'J-Jo) No' HiJ'Ti, forNWi SKJ.NK J SW j. LJ N$, Section ft. Township :i s.. Kange I K. . Milt Jlie Merl-dhin, Merl-dhin, lias liltd notice of LiUni.ion i.o make tinal (ive-yenr prnnf to establish claim lo the laml above described, before the Clerk of the PNtrict Court, at Matui. Utah, on tho 2.")th da.' or April. UU3 , J CI .iiniini names as witnesses: Albert Clement of Falrview, Ctah. Klias lirinly. of Falrview, It ah' Joseph Garlic. of Fuirview, t'tah. Joseph L. KolUns, of Falrview. Ctah. I). K. Thompson, Kcgister |