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Show RUNNER UP IN GOLF TOURNEY L ' "' . " . '" -.' ;- --' n3lg9nB 'Z,z: , . , Sit i k: ; W . " i i . fit nr'i- "(;;" Von Ejlnj ni' Soli Lake City, who met defeat at the hands of Chick i van nl a City, Mo., Saturday In the finals for th- .t- em Amateur o'.f championship. Experience won ou; over youth at Kansas City Saturday in the Western An.alcur golf Championship, Chick Evans gaining the turn for the ylxth I consecutive tiuie by eliminating : George Von Elm of Salt Lake City In; the final round of S Evans, a polished veteran, had little lit-tle difficulty in defeating the I'tarJ youth, who played flashy golf The experience of the champion played the leading trump I ard npralnst Vonl Elm, but the performance of the Salt' Laki idol will "o down In the record , chart as one of the greatest feats over attempted in golf by a youngster. Ir. making his way to the finals Von 131m displayed his ability and advertised adver-tised his style of play and generalship i to the golf world in "enfral. ' Still a younsrstcr in years the ex- I pe rn nee gained In the match at Kan- :is City Saturday should aid "Gix" materially in the future. His defeat cost him another championship but in another sense It was a moral victory. |