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Show Dinner Given at Hermitage For Musician j " I Friends Compliment Squire ' Coop Who Is Going To California ) In honor of Squ.re Coop, who will 1 leave in a few days for Dos Angeles. where he has accepted a position as lecturer In music at the southern 1. nnch of the University of California, Califor-nia, a dinner was given Monday eve-ining eve-ining at the Hermitage hotel by B 'number of friends The tables were decorated with I roses and Shasta daisies. Covers were t llald for fifty guests. The Rev John (Edward Carer was tostmaster. and I responses were made by Mayor Prank Francis Apostle D o. McKay, Mrs 'Chris Flygare and Mrs. Joseph R ', Morrell. J Trio Selections were given during the dinner by Miss Mary a McBride, I Miss Doris Proudfit and Miss Ruth I Pingree.' Miss Marjorlo Dodge, soprano, so-prano, of (Mil. ago. w ho was the soloist solo-ist of the oratorio "The Creation,' Iglven recently in Salt Ixike. sang two numbers. Following the dinner, dancing was enjoyed at the Hermitage grove Trie committee on arrangements included in-cluded Lester Hinrbcllff, Mr. and .Mrs Leslh II Saville, Mrs T Don 'Reason, Mrs. Ben Tyrec and Miss El-llen El-llen Thomas Mis. Roland S. Eccles land Mrs. Bryant S. Martlneau were in charge of the decorations. Squire coop was also the guest of I honor at a picnic party given by a number of his friends Tuesday In South Fork canyon. V |