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Show SHOW "TIZ" HELPS SORB. TIRED FEET !t ' Om Good-b sore feet, burning feit, H swollen feet, sweaty feet sm. li.n; pa feet, tired feet. Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions Jl and raw spots-.. ' No more Bhoe more limping jnl your face In udations which 1 puff up the feet. Use - TIZ' and for- get vour foot misery. Ah! how com-M com-M fortable your foet feel. Get a box of 1 tj 7 now at any druggist or depart- mont store. Don't suffer. Have good I feet, glad feet, feet that never sw i never hurt, never pot tired. A year's m foot comfort guaranteed for a few (B cents. Advertisement i I V AV r ; -i Cuticura Beautifies Skin Hair and Hands Make Cuticurs Soap. Ointment nd i Talcum your evcry-day toilet preparations prepa-rations and watch your skin, halr and hands Improve. The Soap to ciaansa and puctfjr, the Ointment to '1 ioothe and heal and the Talcum to powder and perfume. L.li L IsWCatlcar Saa wtiha rt mmm. I CHICHESTER S PlLtS m JW$m. s fj- ii.m..B -..4 AX mmm WL.iftm TaCi 1"fcilk DJ Ribto- J It It nuHo.iD stA.ni) piixh,(v, ii II r .SOLD BY MUQG1STS EVERYWHERE MM . M II Protct Yonr Health I mmmarA (Snry kid PREVENTIVE mm CATARRH rT o.-,i.t. pP. ,.. I L(V' Correct in rvcry de- r 1 1 i f appealing! y I VfVl pretty caiv to make becauie of the v ILl Special Guide for UL 'i"4Ti Cutting and Con- 3iJ itrudtiph. ft 1 f ir Pictorial Review 1 ft HI 1 atterns July Jr 7 iff 20c to 35c V VJ,tH None Higher Dretn 1131, 35 cents Wright's A GCXdS TO TRA.De Butcher Rejoices Over Wife's Recovery1 "My wife Buffered for five years and practically lived on toast and hot water. Doctors aaid she would have to be operated for gall stones A lady 1 advised her to try Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy and after taking 4 bottles over two years ago, she has been entirely Well ever Hii.ce." It removes the catarrhal cat-arrhal mucus from the intestinal tract, and alloys the Inflammation which Causes practically all stomach liver un, intestinal aliment', in.-ludlng append!-1 citia line josc uiii convince or money I returned ai r, tfclntyre Drug Co ' Adv eriibemenL I Cocoanut Oil Makes A Splendid Shampoo If you want to keep your hair In good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos sham-poos contain too much alkali This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, brit-tle, and Is very harmful Mulsifled cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and entirely greoseJess) Is much bet-iter bet-iter than an.v thing else you can use tor shimpooing, a.s l h is ran't possiblv Injure the hair. Simply put tw,. tft three teaspnon-fuls teaspnon-fuls of Mulsifled in a cup or glass with a little warm water, then moisten .'.uui hair with Water and rub II in It will make an abundance of lather, and cleanse the hair and saip thoroughly. thor-oughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt dandruff and excess oil The hair dri. s quickly and evenly, and it leaves It fine and" silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsifled cocoanut oil shampoo at any drug'store It Is very eheapand a few ounces Is enough to lasi everyone in the family for months Be sure your druggist gives you Mulsifled. Mulsi-fled. Ad vertisement. rv ;hSy fever ;r r ASTHMA CATARRH - -' ; of the Hose and Throat W PRICE 50 !fig; ASK YOUR DRUGGIST OR WRITE The Temple Pharmacy Pocatcllo, Idaho Cash and Carry I STEAM I LAUNDRY I Will Be Ready for Business Tomorrow Lm 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT H on all bundles left at our agencies. 'Lmmm Located corner of Twenty-fourth Street and Hudson Ave- iH nue, and Five Points Confectionery, 218 Washington Ave. Our plant is located at Brigham, but will be moved to Ogden if our cash and carry plan meets with success. i -Wm Our work is first class. Refinite soft water used. We j kindly solicit your patronage. LM M RASMUSSEN Proprietor and Manager Brigham Steam Laundry mm VITAMINES I and STRONG TEETH Nature spends years in building teeth and much depends upon llH the use of right foods. A diet deficient in the vitamin A is iH followed by retarded growth, poor tooth development IH ind ricketa in children and lowered resistance in adults. mm scorn e wion I CONTAINS PUREST VTTAMINE-BEARING COD-LIVER OIL iH that helps Nature absorb and fix lime in the bones. It is an Hl f abundant source of health-building vitamine and helpy build strong bones and teeth. mmmm Scott' Emulsion is a vitamine-food of special mmm value to children, builds strength, promotes growth, mm Start giving it to your boy or girl today I lmmm Scott a Bowne. Bloom 6 rid. N. J. SS-V H LOST! I 250 Pimples, 736 Blackheads ' ml .fja m Ko reward Is offered, because they HIBBI g Jf jD iffc j3a m XTe losl farvr' No Question will be JM g tr t- -ilSfTi 1 asked, except one question. How mmmlmm m M -fav JZTVjW Idld you lose them?" There U but one y HSH I V 'jt rMt laiisweT, "I cut out new fad treat- llHHR 1 aLv J'iVj. WmWM Intents and rueasworlc, I used one of 4 tmMWh 1 U is? W-Vl ' vUmmW I the most powerful blood -cleansers. Hvfjl 1 At J6mm f blood-purlflers and f 1 e o h-bulldr HH fy, ikmrMmWmmK I known, and ttiAt Is 8. S. S I Now mj JKNL-- 7 nt face in pinkish, my skin clear aj a m VPvBM'5 hM r.-se. my cheoks are filled out and my , JTm? fgJ' W rheumatism, too. la sone'" This win k j m ' ' . AT be vour einerloru o, too. If you try 8. bH frnJ' ImT B S U la t'mmnteed 0 be purely BH JmW mMr vegetable In all Its remarkably HHB SsB HP tlve medicinal Inrredlenta. S. B. 3. MM mSmmamm means a new history' for you from row WES .sid;-4aa l-r..n. fealtar that on ! S. S S I. sold at S 11 dru stor. . jHH mmmm wlta elear, rare, radar Mm- tn two Bizet. The Urer Six IS MS H mlnlmm. more economical. IhH I |