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Show f Foreign Government Bonds IBTe believe thm oareCully seated se-ated Koreig-n Hovernmenl Bpnda te an exceptlonwl 1-argaln ut tody's to-dy's price.-. a reaction sucn as Itakinf plar.- in the Pond murket t present kIiouIu In. considered h l opportunity to buy. The g n-tal n-tal trr-nU oi Pond pi l . .-inu of ter.- if.- n I Ixchnng. I upw o i .). nking conditions nre 1 tt-r than uy have been f..u years. Th,; re-pcount re-pcount rut.- has been lowered to I per cent. Factories und plants rer. expanded -o greatly during be war that compHratlvely little Sonex wi;i be needed durhiR the iext t-.u or three , -ir.s for x-annlon x-annlon along these lines. We r.-.oninund the following libt pr your consideration. Norway 31 ,2s, 1902. Sao Paulo 8s (Guilders), Copenhagen 4s, 1949 I Argentine 5s, 1947 I Brazil 5s, 1908. Complota Information on inquln I. A. HOGLE & CO locatello Ogden Los Angeles FEDERAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1 sJ "SATISFIED INVESTORS" J 2374 Washingfton Avenue Minimum operating expense, conservative managemeni, under state supervision, first R.al R. T tate Mortgage security, (investigate"). f J WHICH? M "FULLY PAID" certificate pays 6 per cent Dividend coupons attached. jfW $12.50 monthly for H6 months pays $1000.00 600 monthly for 100 months pays $1000.00 6-00 monthly for 120 months pays $1000.00 Guaranteed 6.50 monthly for 126 months pays $1000.00 Guaranteed 4 3.00 monthly for 180 months pays $1000.00 Guaranteed 1.50 monthly for 180 months pfys $ 500.00 Guaranteed Payments may be made in advance, and will mature any of above certificates much earlier. t'A safe, conservative, heme institution. More information and literature, cheerfully furnished. 1 Phone 1147. h OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HERBERT K SMITH JOSEPH E. STOREY . I. READ V. E. I VERSO N I B. A FOWLER T P. TERRY 01 DAVID J. WILSON DR D. W HENDERSON Uriel- Orim i , J Continuous SAre You Waiting? 1 If you are waiting for some change in I J business conditions before embarking 11 upon any new business venture, we sug- p gest any funds which may be unemployed, Su by reason of this delay, be put to work I earning 4 per cent interest in a Certificate il of Deposit. - Our Savings Department also pays 4 per t i cent interest on deposits, compounded 1 1 four times a year f 'B I Ask our officers about the advantages of 1 this type of investment. P j Ogden State Bank j I Capital and Surplus 300,000.00 iiB 40 INTEREST COMPOUNDED Oy ! O QUARTERLY ON SAVINGS 4"0 iH . .g'j'i-f 1 D Your Private Safe in Bank Vault Security H AS KEY HOLDER to an individual safe g deposit box in the danger-proof vault HB of this banking institution, your private H papers and personal valuables deposited mSi here are accessible to none but yourself. Hffi The annual rental, averaging only a few pennies a week, is so inexpensive that you really can't afford longer to risk your H valuables to theft, robbery fire or loss. H It 6 better to be sale, than sorry. Hj SECURITY STATE BANK Hudson Avenue at Twenty-fourth Street Ogden, Utah H tP9Wl9VZ por Every W 1S. Investor An investment backed by policies more conserva- tive than those of most bond issuing corporations; Hjj One that can always be turned into cash without Kj delay or sacrifice. No broker's fees or commission R for buying or cashing it; Hh One that pay a good conservative rate of interest BH A SAVINGS ACCOUNT at the IB National Bank of Commerce OGDEN, UTAH CHAS. H. BARTON, President MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE IY$TtM 2453 Washington AviUVM j 1 |