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Show uring the afternoon and evening of the 'Erffl'M W fourth will he staged the most thrilling 0? spectacles ever shown. 'fl EE a plane fly upside-down circle, dip, take breath-stealing spins all while the pilot's jjlead is pointed toward the earth. IE Diavalo, master air-devil, perform death-defying stunts while hurtling through the ur at D miles an hour! lhJavensT301113" firGWrks exhibition at night, with the plane tracing lines of fire in 111 these things will be performed at the nerve-tingling Flying Circus at Lagoon July 4. Mo charge for admission. Don't miss it. Make your plans NOW. i f t i M irjiiff ill Mi ff gf New free vaudeville today. Shows BfrB 1 fi W B at 3:30 and 4:3- Free movies at I W 8:45 tonight. JMBgjyBH PBK. xnBBfcMBr CEteuSHv VhF SI sMubBHBb' 4flMav aasBbu fl jtB If ilb aiaj BJ ' jit I 255 - WASHINGTON JL I H ! Lady Vacationists I ! Please Take Notice Jk j I We want to make a few apt suggestions about your going $7 ! H away outfit. Things you'll be so glad to have, and at jl-fes ! I t prices you will like to pay. These will be ready for you mW&fik I in the morning. iisl I H ! Silk Petticoats, $995 R 1 I I Modesty Style . fp Jtf X I They are of washable silk and wash- JT JL X y .' H I able satin. The panel at back and New Sweaters $1 95 B I.f ! I front makes it possible to wear them i W 1 X tt Bi I I under sheerest outer skirts and OI 1CC W001 D'-H X I X dresses Sheer silken fabrics- f 106 W01 SBpfl I I are m all colors. So light so com- X gracefully made. Only $2 95. fortable. Some are made with at- VL jfH jH tractive V-shape necks. Others are 1 '. & ' I H Jumper Frocks, $160 Zv! f X a Few Left 1 r- u e- i m Wm I ! Gingham Frocks$ 150 ipffT Handy on many vacation occasions. Q5VX f HTTL A (i H X A good looking: sleeveless dress to ' V H X -u , , f in These will doubtless all be sold to- i H slip on over any blouse. One should morrow. Rlght good lookiny3se5 H I have two or more. So clean and of tub proof gringhame in winning Jl H t neat. Easy to launder-easy to iron. S? at 8Uch s?a11 Pric- sixy & I J J of them arrived Saturday. Ready . For early shoppers, ft for inspection tomorrow. $150 I H j . Polo Coats, $10.95 Jersey Suits, $6.95 I X Suppose you go to Yellowstone or to There are times, even on vacations, I any mountain resort. A polo coat when one wants to look well dressed. X H will be very useable on cool nights A jersey suit may be packed without I and mornings. And these are so good wrinkling. A jaunty jacket and a X I looking. Of rich polo cloth in man- graceful skirt to match. And the com- I nish styles. Only $10.95 plete suit is only $6.95 I i I I Hp WHEN PLANNING YOUR HOME I SPECIFY OGDEN BRICK I Build a substantial home, one that will stand for rap years that's the kind you build with brick it's K low in maintenance cost and upkeep, a constantly fli good investment. The initial cost is relatively low. Our brick in the various shades and qualities offers I K a wide range for your selection of material. H&j Ogden Pressed Brick & Tile Go. I Yards at Harris ville Office, 3420 Hudson Avenue H Phone 319 Phone 111 Hp BUILD OF I ASHTON BRICK FOR PERMANENCE Homes and other structures built of brick are not only j BB the most permanent of all, the most beautiful, the most ' m comfortable, but are also the lowest in cost because of HE low maintenance cost. IH Ashton brick and tile make a most artistic home which IH will be found reasonable in price. iH Ask Us for Further Details I ASHTON BRICK & TILE CO. Yards and Office : Twenty -ninth and Jefferson jH |