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Show IfHouse Parties : And Functions Mark Holiday 1 i Almost Everybody Leaves Washington to Remain 'Over The Fourth' By RETI V BA ITER (Special Correspondent of The staiiiiurd-i examiner ) I (Copyright. 1 1 2 1: . by The Standard- Examiner . , , WASHINGTON, Jily I. The city is Ipgi rted Kvcn bod ' literally jap. ; , ,k almost has gone oti some . place i" i c main "over the Fourth." I Independence day Is being slgnah; ! I by many so'-.M fun. t i n: ami hdbse I Baltics i i - df Hi mo-t int'-i' sting I fof th-" : 1 1 1 ir s, perhaps la being given bv Mr an-l Mrs SumiK r W ll ( ftt tnir pi ' .a -M "i. -in- ' r-b) -the-S( a H, bi i n to out diplomatic corps, 'vou know, and Mra W lie Is one ol the Boston wealthy Thell party will include thi Spanish ambas- Bador, an. Mm. Riam-. I hC I DUnsel-,or DUnsel-,or of th. Spanish .in..- S-nor I fcanknjs. t !i uns.-!lo the Ai - p. ..i.f.. . ii.:. i- ' i 1 :" t:,iri'iiii b i.. 1 1 ! I'Cfon i trem'-, ,.. .j.-, , . P-' I conn-' ll"i " : p.o R i:a n i nbs a:nl .Mm 'l. I'.ii 1 , w h i ar & tillnj 'on July S. 1 saw Mme. dc Bach at a reception ( iu-i i .c-for - i.-ii n and Bh( did 'look stunnin;; Sm W( irlng a striking cost uim compost cape of lohn.n h'm . main trim- unci in tier effc c with handsome tan-itiiuod tan-itiiuod i ur w hi. ii ' ote .i -o,,o : hlng fll,. i. . it n and fi gown Of bl 0l n j'ci.p.- made with slashed sleeves and U,il io . k ' i r . .. n. i draped skirt. Her !., v. i i . i i w rapped I HI ban and tl.. . lot i ' ' matei .th a . u . i . . . ivet and oh, the da v. . - ... . r..i 'ii'' i bo w her, a i- r .or loth li.o- ir.- mini; in. 0-1-th" nil. - 1 1 1 . i . I h.i - ..ai ol I . ft.-.pi. ik'v i - .: won en In d u- k-i i i, h .i i .- '. ., . no i to 0 Oul 1 Ifor awhile this -.nn. SIMPLE BATISTE I R M K The last time I saw Mmc. IMano she In. d, . d ., i.-h i h ugh omi v. h 11 kin ill in a ball-'' '-..-I -.mply mad.'. , rTlu- iiod'.re w Into a nor- j n . i w . i : - t -1 1 n mi 'hi sleeves elbOT to ieo-ih, 'i. I if skli Bras about anl h- !i'ir:.h ami gathered: V Iri.th'-r full, v hili . sh ol red - itln VJ w ii i th "i -h jik down on the d( In JJli.i,i- .-mis. '.vn nrlfs ' pgjt embroidered v ' h I b fll i ' i VI ;i ., little Hci h.t. ;A ' h i i.iick picture m0( i I. Bhc It;...m- in ; ii... i.obbcd but lately I Elieks it up wllb a m l on '; i..n: i In'" V lT Even Prijuii'ii: ..ml Mr.- 1 la ni'.ir, , ! .nr. ioi ! to r. ii h. They left! k-e-i i i d , i.i !...;.' t ' . 1 1 .. oi. .;.' . . -whir.- ih.' in . Lin ing out with the m... n m - at '.imp i i rdln; ' u - lh" in. 1 1 ii- ' n i :. ; cha .i i .th.it in -1 . . : .. i ; I ' nd ih .. re- j I Bated an oioiiik I" r '.i ii-i ii no'thods ' The ' '..ir It i loiifli : OjUlt iux- Itirlniis. with iii.iiiy rooms and "all the co ui . i " - .. ...... h even ;ii f mm, i i . i ii . rlooked I.IlH--.- Vl'll 'I II I I Officials are still vying with each I Hther in shower ton. itl 'ntlons upon line visiting- delegations From th( i-ii !- jipi" ; i Ir io -i. ii PI in h fp I fctbou' a month, it would sei : : that I Hirtics of an' slae lasl wek hl ll I Berc not given for the islanders ivere fclen by diplomats. The Peruvian te.'i.h.. - I.' i M I . i m I '. .. ;;.. e '. I Barty Sunday at their apartment at I N 31 dm. i n l'jfk hoUl. eiuertaliiim: a I brovip of tliH many friends of their I HP0 a,,lJ daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs I Li. Washington Pezet, who are i-n - I Bng them. The eld' r Pe( ts otti n en-I en-I Bertain on Sundays, usually ai lum h- I kon ami in the moat informal way, : tthi- ,i in i M -.ni 1. 1 himsi-if rn quentlj I hudini,' with i in- cooking, aii the dishes I perved on th asloni ire strictl Peruvian and imitations lo these par-I par-I Bes are much coveted, I can tH! you. I Th t . . i h !, been m Washington so 1. 1 i' h : h . ill'- -1 ... , i . , iielong to I and tlur son has been In this coun- 3 try most ot hi- Ii.'. and is - Am-I Am-I Brlcan and i popular IvOOSEL') uo I N LACE. Monday tho minister of Guatemala IF-1'1 Mme de Sanchez Latour enter- 4 Ruin, d d dlstlngnlsheii company at SB Ml n in-r ,n ih v. -v. Will.ud in honor 01 1 1" ii- i ., iipointed i nltffl SI i e fnilnl-' i i., (juati'imilu alio M - w, ! ! dm.. Lnuni v. -in- titUi I'.-nink a t"V M "r ecru-colored loo.dv woven 'nlu'-c. made over chiffon 01 im- sami Icolor, the bodico made long and ihglHly bloued at a dropped v list line 1 neck Mm- I. oat shaped and cut rather liiKh. hut sleeveless The skirl las rather lull ml i-ry long, several Inches long, r than th" chiffon under-pi'iri. under-pi'iri. Another t merest ins dlnnei last reek had as hosis a charge d'affaires V ot the Rumanian legation and Mme J pCano it wa-, ndhi.M'd h a dales and I h' tho In-" party, I think. Hii' X.i-I X.i-I pos hae given since coming to VTasll I Bngton a compai itlvely few weeks ! ego. sin- i- v r iintii .md causes I much roramcnt whem ver she i liters room Thej are both becoming peri j popular quite ra pidlv. AUSTRIAN STAG PARTY. The charge d'affaires of the legation i tof Austria. Kdgar I'rochnlk. i-mht-1 fatned at a stag party last i vening in ompliment to the delegates from this fcountry to tb Inter -parliamentary un-!' un-!' BBon convention which v ill be held in .Vienna this year. Miss Gertrude Tung Kwai. daughter of the charge JBB affair.-- ,, !,,. (M-.ni. sf b-Ratlon. and 31 Wlnie. y.mK Ktcai entertained at a e'f uncheon both both Mond - and Tues-. Tues-. A ijlay tor her guest. Miss Elizabeth Mc- 'A Pj.-'Od. who Mailed so pretty on TUSS- idt -.day :n a -in.pi, frock of fine cotton g n-oii,. ot , , rm-d.ed strawbem shade r.Jt p'ss V u ng Kwal is younc and pretty. too, h.,- m-.lhir In an American and holi Jhe was horn .md raised here velC ' Si i - i 1 nii'irnr -, - 7,,.--- I Y tu lne mmber ol the O A. O. VnaiuKton club, at her home . t Irmont in Ogden canyon Wednea- f afternoon lite In the afternoon luncheon wax served on tables do,-- pted witr mountain flower Mr-. . pwninK was assisted bv her daugh-r daugh-r r. Mrs. a. w. Petty, JflBBBHl |